hey, yep, it's us. 🌹


hey, yep, it's us. 🌹

36 10
I am so sorry eric, if you want her then you can have her because I know how long you guys have been together and you deserve her
well i just don't want to stand in you're way because you guys were married and it's not right for me to just take her away from you
and sure I would love to be friends with you
that's so sweet and if she wants you back don't worry I will be fine with that because I just want her to be happy
we were always good:)
talk to you later
I miss you too, you're back, but I still feel like I lost you...😔
I have missed you so much Wes... I'm just glad you're back, maybe we can still figure things out
why...why not...?
so that's it then? after all this time...
I would fight for it, but I won't if you have already given up on us
then let's try this, because you're everything to me and I don't know what I'll do without you
I need your sweetness, your arms wrapped around me to feel safe, our adventures and your lips again mine
your voice and smell makes me feel like home, baby I need you remix me
I am joining fxckedgirls account so..message me there