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ohh well sorry girlfriend(how was I supposed to know I’m only ten).
I’m so sorry girlfriend please follow me again.
feisty okayyyy
fine sorry
I just have depression and I get mad easily,I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings.
you must be a good friend
I will delete my rude sayings
I tried to be nice but you make it so hard.
for the last time I said fineeee
I found your nose it was in my business.
and why don’t you tell your friend to leave me alone
*crying*you don’t know what I’ve been sister died and left her phone so I recreated her account,and you are making me feel bad.don’t do that to a fourth grader.
I did leave her alone after you told me to so just don’t.
please don’t get mad my friend did not want to hurt you or your friend feelings so lay back a bit I suffer from anxiety and depression to so I know how you feel but she is not trying to hurt you
yes I am not trying to hurt you
ok hold up! she was never being rude! and if you are going through some tough things rn then why are you being the rude one!
so just stop and let us live our life!
ya please
yeah what they said
just try not to be rude