Contest results! Thank u everyone for entering! There were so many amazing collages it was hard to choose. Don't worry if u didn't win this time, there will be many more in the future!❤


Contest results! Thank u everyone for entering! There were so many amazing collages it was hard to choose. Don't worry if u didn't win this time, there will be many more in the future!❤

17 0
thank you <3
ur very welcome❤
*TheRealCurlyFries. sorry I spelt ur name wrong, my bad 😁
OMG I WON!!! Thank ya Jesus!
congrats ! thanks for entering ❤
*sigh* well I tired
yours was very good! there was just others who were also good! don't worry, more contests in the near future!❤❤❤
congrats guys!
wow I didn't realise there was gonna be so much good competition because if I did I would have tried a lot harder!
Yay!! 💕😄