Welcoming Day!


Welcoming Day!

9 5
Kira and Gigi Were Standing Outside The Main Doors In Their Cheerleading Uniforms And Being Peppy! Well- Gigi Was, Ciara Not So Much...
Jessica:*walks in with a couple of suitcases*
Jessica:Hello!*she walks up to Kira out of her Car with Nick*
Gigi: GIVE ME A “D” // Ciara: no... // Gigi: GIVE ME A “R” // Ciara: Just stop... // Gigi: GIVE ME A “E” // Ciara: ... // Gigi: GIVE ME A “A” // Ciara just stares at her // Gigi: GIVE ME AN “M” // Ciara puts her phone down and walks to her // Gigi: WHAT DOES THAT SPELL // Ciara: no one is listening...
Kira doesn’t smile but Gigi gives a warm smile at them
Nick:Hey.*he says softly*Ummm....Where are the dorms?
Skylar and Hunter walks in the school. Skylar had much more luggage then Hunter because she had a bag designated to sports stuff. “Seriously, you’re not going to fight, dance, ice skate, sing, and act all here.” Hunter said|| “Well I need to practice to be become an-“ Skylar started. || “An actress. What are you going to be? A singing martial artist dancer on ice?” Hunter joked|| “Yep,” Skylar said, walking in
Gigi: Over There! *she points down a hallway* You Can also check in at front desk and come to Club Signups Later! I hope I can see you there... *she smiles and Ciara rolls her eyes at Gigi*
Jessica:Thank you!*smiles* Do they have a Theater club?
Nick:*he walks off to find his dorm*
Skylar wondered farther into the school, with Hunter right behind. She didn’t exactly know where to go. “
Jessica:*she puts down her ice skate bag and violin case her arms were tired*
Gigi: Yes They Do! They Do A Bunch Of Theater Exercises And A Big School Play They Host
“Where are you going?” Hunter asked|| Skylar shrugged, kept walking, and tried to find help.
Gigi: I Always Wanted To Do It But Kira Says It Takes Time Away From Cheer... Even Though She Is On Her Phone Twenty Four Seven... *Ciara Is Texting On Her Phone*
Jessica:Great!*she smiles and walks off to her dorm*
The Principal Walked On With Dorothy Holding Her Hand. The Principal And Gigi Wall To The Front Desk To Answer Any Questions The New Students Had
Dorothy sat down with Princess Mimi her teddy bear and they play a game together
Skylar and Hunter came across the front desk, “Um excuse me, where are the dorms?” Hunter asked, not putting up with his sister.
Gigi: I am so excited Aunt Abby! // Principal Dihani: I am too Gigi, but you know you will have to call Principal during school hours... // Gigi: I will go halfway! // Principal Dihani: Deal...
Jessica:*unpacks completely and hangs her ice skates on a hook above her dresser*
Gigi: Over Yonder! *Gigi Points In A Hallway*
“Thanks,” Hunter smiled charmingly. Skylar wanted to hit herself on the wall. “See? Wasn’t that much easier?” he asked. Skylar glared at him.
Gigi smiles at Hunter “Maybe I Will See You Around...”
“Maybe,” he shrugs still smiling, and walks off. Skylar was right behind him looking like she was going to punch him.
Nick:*he unpacks and puts his hockey bag next to his bed and sits on his bed and texts his mum*
Kira went with Gigi to their Dorm, They has been at this school since freshman year and always shared a dorm together so they had their beds picked out and made And their side decorated
Skylar walks into her dorm, and throws her stuff on the empty bed. It seemed like the other two girls had been there forever, and then there was her
Gig saw Skylar walked in and gave her and nice big smile, Kira on the other hand wasn’t as welcoming
Nick:*he sat on his bed bored he wondered if there was an ice rink*
Kira: Who are you... // Gigi hit her in the gut // Gigi: KIRA BE NICER!
aspyn walked in and breathed a deep breath. “hellooooo everybody!” she yelled.
Jessica:*she walks out of her dorm to find club sign ups*
Skylar smiled back, “Hey, I’m Skylar,” she said.
Kira went out to advertise the cheer team tryouts
Gigi put her hand out “I am Gianna, But My Peeps Call Me Gigi!”
Jessica:*walks up to Kira* Do you know where club sign ups are?
Skylar shook her hand, “I’m Skylar,” she said. She took out her sports bag, and dumped it all out on her bed.
Jessica:*holds her skates* And is there an ice rink?
Kira well they won’t be happening till later but I want to get as many people as I can get, they will be in the cafeteria later
Gigi: So are you an athlete?
Kira: Well there is But it’s under construction, right now people just use the local ice skating rink
Jessica:How Far is it?
“Yep!” Skylar said, organizing everything on a shelf. “I do a lot of stuff, but it’s mainly for acting.”
(Did everyone leave?😂)
(No I am waiting for broooke)
(Me too)
Rika stands in the corner, eyeing everyone. She liked to observe everyone and know everything that was going on. Rika pulled out her notebook and began writing a story and poems.
Asher walked with with swagger. “What’s up dudes? Don’t say the sky. Who wants nachos? Nachos solve everything." He ate nachos while he walked down the hallway. He had his guitar strapped on his shoulder, hanging loosely. His backpack was overfilled with paper with lyrics and music and pencils.
Emma: she looked around and just leaned on a wall, crossing her arms “wow, this is big..” she said to herself
Asher winked at the girls. "Hello ladies."
Blake: walks towards Emma “hey, you feeling okay?”|| “yeah, yeah, I’m fine, Blake” she says|| “okay...” says Blake
Skylar walked out of her dorm, and met Hunter in the hallway. She followed Hunter around anxious to actually do something.
Jessica:What ever.....*walks back to her dorm and hangs her skates up*
(Me is here!!)
(Who will be in the love shape with Asher???)
(who will Blake fall in love with?)
(Aspyn, you need to be in duh love shape with Asher!!)
(Rika can fall in love with Blake!)
(derrrr 😂😂)
“I want to skate,” Skylar muttered as Hunter walked around. “Chill out Skylar, can’t you do something else in the mean time?” he asked. Skylar glared at him meaning no.
Emma: “I’m gonna go in my dorm, I’m tired” she says to Blake|| he raises his eyebrows “ohkayyy..” he says
Rika is in the Dorm. She shared it with Emma.
“i would go to my dorm but... i don’t exactly have one yet.” aspyn laughed.
Jessica:*she walks over to Nick* Wanna go to the ice rink?// Nick:Sure.*he picks up his ice skates and hockey stick and walks to Jessica’s car*
Asher spots Aspyn. He walked over to her. "Hello." He smiles at her.
Emma: enters the dorm and sees rika. she smiles “hey” she says and goes and puts all her stuff on her bed. “phew”
“I mean I could dance or fight or sing...oh wait,” Skylar said sarcastically. “You could sing...” Hunter suggested. “Really in the middle of the halls?” Skylar asked continuously following him
Jessica:*drives to the Ice rink with Nick*Here!*she smiles and gets out*
Rika gives Emma a small nod and doesn’t say anything.
“hey!” she waved and smiled.
“Well you could see if there is an ice rink,” Hunter said, not wanting to put up with his sister’s sarcastic comments. Skylar went on her phone, and smiled. “There’s one near by”
Jessica:*they both walk into the ice rink and Jessica puts on her skates so does Nick*
Emma: “I’m Emma!” she smiles “I think she’s shy” she thought in her head (where else do u think? in ur belly? DUHHHH😂)
"Do you like French fries? Why are they called French fries anyway? It’s not even French, it’s Dutch!" Asher rambled.
Rika nodded and whispered, “I’m Rika." She thought, I would just tell them my name, nothing else. It can’t happen again...
Jessica:*she warms up with some foot work*
Blake: He got bored so he went to the ice rink to play hockey (CAN SOMEONE PLAY HOCKEY WITH HIM)
Emma: smiled a bit at rika. she felt so tired right now that she could barely even walk (SHES ON HER PERIOD...NO SHES NOT JK)
Asher rambled all the way to the ice rink. "Hey, you!" He pointed to Blake. "Do you think they should call it Dutch fries instead of French fries because it’s Dutch, not French?" He asked Blake.
(French fries aren’t French. They’re Dutch!!!)
Blake: “it would kidna sounds wierd if they said Dutch fries tho” he said
(Backkkkk, Now Who Needs A Dorm 😂)
Skylar goes to the ice rink with her skates and a hockey stick. She never really told anyone, but she wanted to go to the Olympics for figure skating. Her stepmom didn’t approve though.
She didn’t really play hockey, but she used to with her brother and thought it would fun.
Blake: Blake noticed skylar with a hockey stick and decided to go play with her “hey, wanna play?” he said
“True, but they’re lying to the people." Asher sighed. "Nacho?" He offered.
Jessica:*she attempts a triple axel but falls*
“Um sure, but I’m not great,” Skylar laughs lightly.
Nick:A triple Axel huh?*he gets on the ice with his hockey stick*
Jessica:It’s the only way I can make the Olympics!
aspyn : *trips and falls on her face* “i’m good.” *thumbs up*
(Is everyone at the rink right now?😂)
Blake: “no it’s okay, I’m really bored right now so, yeahhh” he says with a small smile
(hwo do guys talk? am I doing it right or do they say “BRO WHASSUP DUDE, WHATCHA DOIN FAMMMM”
(nooo omw ig 😂😂🤷🏼‍♀️)
(YUP😂😂 JK)
(the guys at my school just make random noises...? 😂😂)
Asher sat outside with guitar. He sat criss crossed and began strumming. "Baby your eyes shine like stars, your smile, brighter than the Miami sun." He sang.
Emma: sees aspyn fall and takes out her hand “are you okay?”
Skylar grabs her brother’s hockey stick, and skates elegantly on the ice. She was definitely not a hockey player that was for sure, and knew she was going to loose, but she was overly competitive so she couldn’t mis the chance,
(BAHAH SAME LIKE “blop, bleg, hoy, and stuff like that😂)
aspyn : “me is ok.” she dusted herself off. “i’m not a great skater lol!”
Kira and Gigi sit around the school garden together with Dorothy still playing with Princess Mimi
Jessica:*she tries another triple axel and lands it*OMG OMG!!!!
Emma: “no it’s okay” she laughs “same hahaha, I’m Emma by the way”
"I should’ve sent those letters long ago! Love, don’t leave me." Asher continued to sing, his voice deep and strong. It rang out, catching a few students' attentions.
“i’m aspyn!” aspyn said happily
Nick:Jessica! That was amazing!!!
Skylar sees Jessica, “Hey! good job!” she smiles. She didn’t really know this girl, but she seemed really good.
Blake: smirks as he grabs his hockey stick and gets the puck and put sit in the middle “remember this isn’t a game, it’s just for fun” says Blake
Emma: “hai aspyn!” she smiled “I tripped on ice six times while coming here” she said with a small laugh
Jessica:Oh Thanks!*she says smiling*
“No promises,” Skylar smirked. She found everything as a game.
“You’re welcome!” she shouted across the ice.
Jessica:*she practices a bunch of easy jumps all landing them*
Blake: blake laughed a bit “ohhkaaay” he said “game on” Blake smirked (OI)
Connor came into school late once again, he was wearing his football jacket (not fútbol or whatever you other countries call it, FOOTBALL AMERICANO!) Connor went and saw Kira and Gigi sitting there, he said “Heyyyyyy Gigi- oh yeah you too Kira...” Kira rolled her eyes and pointed at a direction away from them and Connor left to that direction
Nick:*he practices some shots he wanted to make the ice hockey team*
“well HAI” aspyn said as she promptly fell on her bùtt.
“shoot.” she said.
Jessica:*she practices some spins*
“HAIII” she smiled at her and laughs, unfortunately she laughed sp hard, that she fell down on the ice “ow” she says and laughed
(ooh I live in Barrie, for our grad trip, we’re going to Quebec)
Skylar took a swing, and completely missed the goal. “Oops,” Skylar muttered.
(Let’s actually rp here ppls😂)
Blake: he laughed a bit “it’s okay” he said as he took a swing and made a goal and smirked
(Me!!! I have a light Finnish accent)
(What has this chat turned to 😂)
(IDEK tbh ^^ wth is that😂)
emma and aspyn sat on their bùtts together. “bonding through clumsiness... always a great way to start a friendship!” aspyn giggles.
Rika stood in the corner, her nose in their notebook as she scribbled down stories and poems.
“Well can you do this?” she asked, doing a double axel. She smirked.
Asher continued singing with passion on the grass as people pass by.
oml 😂😂
Emma: “yesss!” she tries to get up but falls on the ice again “ughhh” she laughs
“noice.” aspyn’s pants were getting wet now. “greeeaaat.”
Jessica:*she practices her short dance program for an upcoming competition*
“RIKA LO LIKA HOW ARE YOU BRO?” aspyn yelled at her.
Asher looked up to see couples walk by, hand in hand. He sighed, wishing he could have that too...
Kira: So how are you doing... // Gigi: Stop... // Kira: He broke up with you! You deserve better! // Gigi: ...
Rika jumped up, startled. She just did a small wave at Aspyn and walked away.
Blake: “no...I dotn know how to skate like that” he laughed “well atleast, I’m good at hockey, and that’s all that matters” he smirked “you’re good too, you just need to work on your swings” he said
Asher played with his guitar, messing around with a few tunes.
Asher looks up and sees Gigi and Kira.
Emma: “haha, my pants aren’t wet, that’s kinda weird” she laughs
“lol oops i scared a person.” aspyn said. “i guess i’ll cross that off my bucket list.”
Gigi saw Asher and gave him a warm smile
Asher waved Gigi over.
"Come on over here Gigi!" Asher shouted. "You too Kira!"
Gigi went over to Asher “Hey” she said with a smile
Emma: laughs “you’re hilarious”
“Thanks,” Skylar smiled. She tried to hit the puck again, and failed a little less miserably.
"Do you want French fries to be called Dutch fries because they are Dutch, not French?" He asked.
Blake: “hey, that was better!” he smiled. he slap shot the puck and it went in the goal and he couldn’t help but smirking
Hunter was walking around the ice skating rink watching his sister. He didn’t have anything really to do.
Gigi smiles “I don’t care what they are called, as long as they stay delicious!”
Jessica:*she skates of the leg for a break she was tired*
Emma: She got up and watched everyone play hockey “wish I was a good as the,” she thought
“where is dat boi asher at?” aspyn asked. “you be halarioys... i cannot speak.”
(ME TOOO 🤞🏻)
"Do you sing?" Asher asked Gigi.
Skylar grunts, which turns into a small smile. She checked the time on her phone. “Well I probably should get going!” she smiled, “I have to do some personal practice,”
“A bit, my mom says I have a good voice, she just gets a bit upset that I don’t use it”
Blake: “okay, see ya!” he says
Emma: goes over and sits on a bench with her phone
Kira texts on her phone and takes a few selfies and posts it on insta (CUZ THATS HOW SHE ROLLS!)
aspyn just kinda sits on the ice, wet pants in all, cuz she cannot get up for the life of her.
(God I Love Aspyn’s Personality 😂)
"Wanna sing with me?" Asher offered, giving her the lyrics and music.
(Meh too. Asypn is duh besssst)
“I would love to...” she blushes a bit
“huhuhUUUH A LITTLE HELP WOULD BE NICE. jkjk i’m not a meanie or anything!” aspyn laughed.
"Three little words I couldn’t say, I wrote them in letters I didn’t send." Asher began.
Jessica:*she takes of her skates* Hey Nick I am leaving!*Nick gets off the ice and follows Jessica to the car*
Gigi songs along very good, she sounded like an angel (cuz idk the song lyrics 😂)
Emma: goes to Blake “you were good!” || “thanks” said Blake|| “how do you stay on ice like that? I called all the time!” she says|| he laughs “I can tell” || “hey don’t laugh!” she says
(Gtg to swim practice I will probably be on at 9:20)
(kk, byeeeee)
(What?! 😂)
aspyn bùtt scooted across the ice. she put her head in her hands. she felt inexplicably tired all of the sudden.
They finished singing and they part ways shortly after. Asher ran through the halls, shouting, “Who likes pumpkins??!!!l
“i dooo.” aspyn groaned raising her hand in the air.
Rika looks out to see Aspyn and other people on the ice rink. Her thoughts: He liked to skate, and he wanted to teach me. He eventually did and I was good at it. Oh no, I can’t let him back in my head again...
Asher's attention snapped to Asypn. "Would you like me to interest you in pumpkin pie?" He asked.
aspyn jumped. “yaaAAAA.”
Gigi did a little laugh at Asher and walked back to Kira. Kira made a little kissy face mocking Gigi. Gigi then said “Stop It!” Kira then said “FINE! Let’s go have some practice before we have the cheer tryouts in a few days” Gigi nods and they went to the gymnasium to practice with the other cheerleaders
(Anyone On?)
(me is on)
Asher whistles through the halls
Skylar finishes her ice routine, and goes back to school with Hunter. She puts her skates on her bed, and goes to explore the school.
Asher sees Skylar and waves.
Skylar waves back, and continues to walk around. She wondered what sports there were she could join.
Emma: goes and joins skylar “hi! I don’t think we’ve met? I’m Emma!” she smiled
“Hey Emma!” she smiled, “I’m Skylar,” she said. She was still a bit frosty from the ice skating rink.
Emma: “hi skylar! I got bored from standing outside, it’s cold” she says, shivering
Rika stayed in the shadows, she was almost like a shadow. She thought about Him, how He said she was like the shadow, always ignored...
Hunter went to his dorm and flopped onto his bed. He grabbed his guitar, and went outside.
Asher spots Hunter with a guitar. "Do you play?" He gestured to his own guitar.
“I know right! It was freezing when I came back from the rink,” Skylar said. “So how long have you been going here? It’s my first year,”
“Yeah, and that’s cool,” Hunter said, playing a note, “I’m Hunter,”
Emma: “Omg same!” she said “this is My first year here too, me and Blake had to move here ever since-“ she frowned and hesitated “ever since...we moved! yeah moved..” she said with a fake smile
“Yeah, we moved here after...after. Our dad got a new job!” Skylar said. She mentally groaned. She was a pretty good actress, but she sùcked at improv.
"I’m Asher. Do you like potatoes?" He asked with a smile.
Hunter laughed, “Yeahhh I like potatoes,”
Asher pulls a potato out of his backpack. "Want one?"
“Sure!” Hunter said, taking the potatoes
"I also have fries I made from the potatoes. I have a garden in the dorm." He smiles, eating the fries. "Mmm! Fresh!"
(idk Asher is a weirdo XD)
"We have a dorm together don’t we?" Asher asked Hunter.
(we still at the rink??)
(we're all over the place)
(I don’t think so)
“I think so,” Hunter said, playing his guitar lightly.
(kk i guess aspyn got up. 😂😂)
“I might have accidentally spilled soil on someone's clothes and bed...." Asher rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
(are we at the dorms?? i am so lost rn 🤷🏼‍♀️😂)
“Oops,” Hunter laughed.
(We’re all over the place😂)
"But I put a note on his backpack and a few tomatoes saying I was sorry!" Asher said quickly.
kk 😂
(We’re at school though,”
aspyn wandered around looking for someone to talk to.
"That was before the tomatoes stained the backpack...." Asher trailed off.
(Asher is an interesting child😂)
^^ (lol idk 😅)
"Then I bought him a new backpack!" Asher said excitedly.
"But its a PINK brand backpack...." Asher trailed off.
Hunter laughed, “Wow. It’s the first day of school too,”
(omg asher 😂😂)
(Ikr? Asher is very interesting, it’d be nice for him to have SOMEONE WITH HIM *wink*)
Skylar walked around aimlessly after saying bye to Emma. Her stepmom never believed in her, but she wanted to be an actress or go to the olympics. Maybe here, she can pursue that farther.
“I put a song on his wall about how sorry I was." Asher commented.
(Gigi has to make a move on Asher!!)
(^^Yup totally!😂)
(aspyn is a loner 😂😂)
“These are some great stories,” Hunter smiled. Maybe he had a friend here in this new place...
(Skylar is a loner too😂 She’s just wandering around lost in her thoughts which is never good)
“Stories? You wanna hear a story? So, yesterday before the first day of school, I was at Walmart." Asher started.
(she gon die (unless... she finds herself a princeee lol 😂) so YOLO 🤙🏻🤙🏻)
“Uh oh...” Hunter commented.
(So I’m writing a story with Hunter and Skylar and a bunch of other people and Hunter is a Prince in there😂)
(skylar’s got herself a nice little connor 😂👏🏻)
"I was buying my school supplies because I was too lazy to last month." Asher leaned against the lockers. "Then I went up to the clerk and said, “Do you know where the men’s underwear is?" She looked at me weirdly." Asher said, confused.
"It was like she was new here and didn’t know where the underwear was. So, I said never mind and walked away." Asher sighed.
(ooOooOoo 😂😂😏)
“Are you sure she was a clerk?” Hunter asked.
"Then she walked up to me and said, “I’ll show you where the men’s underwear is." So she showed me and I was shocked." Asher said dramatically, his hand over his heart.
"She is the clerk, she has the Walmart uniform on." Asher answered.
(Or Hunter the Prince because even though he has never met her...He might like her because he’s Hunger😂)
“Wow...”Hunter said. “That’s a great story,”
(hunter the hunger?? 😂😂)
"I said I wanted a pink underwear with unicorns on it eating pizza. She said there weren’t any of those designs for men. I was absolutely shocked that someone didn’t think to make that design for men." Asher sighed, shaking his head.
(i gtg again for 5 minutessss this timeee. 😂😂)
"So I walked away with disappointment." Asher shook his head. He looked up and spotted Gigi. "Hey Gigi!" Asher waved at her.
(lol in my rp there is an aspyn, an asher, and and ashtyn 😂😂)
“Wow,” Hunter said. Asher was killing him (like he’s killing me)
Hunter continued to play on his guitar next to Asher while Skylar walked around the school. She started to sing Rock Bottom to herself s
(Love shapes to be recurring in whatever rp I’m in....minus Bella’s....)
Rika heard Skylar singing. Her thoughts: She liked that song... If only she had a friend to talk to...
“Thanks,” he smiled, “I’m Hunter,”
Asher tuned to Gigi. He took her in, seeing her wear her uniform. "You're a cheerleader?" He asked.
(In one of my old rps, eight ppl were after one guy bc he was the only guy😂 I’m probably just talking to myself...)
Asher held his guitar and strummed a few tunes he came up with in his head. He has to play it to remember it so he won’t forget it.
Hunter played a song he learned a while back. He didn’t really know what else to do
"Cool, I’d love to see you cheer." Asher smiled.
"Is there a game I could watch you cheer that’s coming up?" Asher asked, leaning against the lockers.
“Cool,” Hunter said, looking up with a smile.
Asher nodded in agreement.
(Something should happen in the school, like an event or something)
"Nice." Asher nodded.
(Will there be a talent show?)
Skylar went back to her dorm, and flopped on her bed. She put away her ice skates, and organized the rest of her sports equipment. Dance Shoes, Boxing Tape, Ice Skates...
She started to set up her bed, and decorated her side with fairy lights. She put some books away, and put her laptop on her desk
(anyone on??)
(coooliooo 🤙🏻)
(hunter is zac efron 😂😂😂)
Skylar went outside of her dorm, and started exploring again. She was pretty bored.
(When’s your rp going to start?)
(soon 🤷🏼‍♀️😂)
(me is on!)
"I’m going to try out for the talent show." Asher smiled.
Rika is also going to be in the talent show.
(anyone on? 😅😓)
(I am backkk from swimming)
(I’m still here)
(me is watching The Voice)
Jessica:*she walked back to her dorm tired from figure skating*
Asher stood in the cafeteria, he couldn’t decide what to eat.
Nick:*walks into the Cafeteria for tea and crumpets*
Asher: “What kind of tea is that?" He leans over to Nick.
Nick:Black.*he slips the tea back into the boiling water*
Rika saw Gigi and Kira. She slipped away into the shadows, where she thinks she belongs...
Jessica:Ugh Blisters...*she wraps her Blisters in a bandage*
Asher sat next to Nick. "What type of tea is that? What’s your recipe for crumpets?"
Jessica:*she walks into the hallway to get tea after all it was tea time*
Nick:Why do you care?*he sips his tea and waves to Jessica when she enters*
Asher shrugs. “I like to try new things, especially if I can consume it."
Nick:It’s Tea and Crumpets I am sure you have had them before!//Jessica:Don’t be rude!*she opens her phone and gets an email* OMG OMG!!!!!!
Asher blinks, not offended.
Jessica:*stands up* I made USA Championships!!!!!*she jumps up and down*
Asher walked up to Gigi. "Oh! Do you think I could try out?" Asher posed like a girl jokingly.
Skylar was lazy and bored. All that was her mind right now was the Olympics. She decided to go back to the rink soon.
Nick:Congrats!!!! If you make the top three your going to the Olympics!!!*he hugs his half sister*
Skylar saw Gigi, and noticed that she was in her dorm, “Hey...are you okay?” she asked.
Jessica:I better start practicing more....*she calls her coach*
Jessica:*walks back to her dorm smiling*
“Aw I’m sorry. Just hold your head high, and be who you want to be, not who she wants you to be,” Skylar said.
Asher: “I could disguise myself as a girl and try out....?" He smiles.
Jessica:*the Olympics as always been her dream she was this close to going*
Skylar keeps looking through her phone for an email, but sees none. She sighs in disappointment.
Then an email came through, and her body was shot with excitement.
(Jessica and Skylar actually really need to meet😂)
Jessica:*she walks to the ice rink with her skates*
“Stay Strong Gigi,” Skylar said, containing her excitement. She went back to her dorm and grabbed her skates. “HUNTER!!” Skylar said, running down the hall with her keys
Jessica:*she gets into her red car and drives to the ice rink*
“I got in!” Skylar said. Yes, she loved acting, but the Olympics was her dreams. She was going to be super busy now, and needed no distractions. Still, she heard there was a play coming up. She got in her car with Hunter, and went to the rink.
Jessica:*she puts on her skates and watches Nick practice a few shots*
kk Bye
Skylar ties up her skates, and starts practicing her routines. Hunter put on his skates as well, and played some hockey just for fun.
Hunter went back to the stands after a while, and watches Skylar practice her routine.
Jessica:*she gets on to the ice and bumps into Skylar accidentally*
Nick:*gets off the ice and sits in the stands his feet were hurting*
“Skylar slid on the ice, but was able to catch herself.
Jessica:Omg I am so sorry!*she stumbled backwards*
“It’s okay!” Skylar said, “Hey, aren’t you that girl who did the triple axel? I’m Skylar by the way,”
Jessica:Oh Yea....I am Jessica!
“Well it’s nice to meet you,” Skylar smiled. She went back to her routine and worked on her triple lutz.
She kept on skating, and thought about the things she would have to sacrifice. Dance, Martial Arts, Acting...Well, it was just for a little bit, and she spent most of her time on figure skating anyways. She even tried to combine some of the them when she was little. Martial arts on ice...it wasn’t pretty.
(Did everyone leave? Okay bye😂)
Jessica:*she practices her short program for the Olympic Trials she really wants to make the team*
(Sorry I left cause I had to go to bed I will be on at 2:50😂)
(K, I’ll be on at 4:15)
(me is oooonnnnnnn)
She looked over her schedule. Five to Six sessions of two hour skating a week. That didn’t seem to bad. Then two 15-45 minute sessions of cardio. That didn’t seem to bad. (I actually looked that up😂)
Todd: hi
(I am back!!!! From School)
Jessica:*she checked her schedule the trials were in a month she was nervous but excited*
Jessica:*she calls her coach* Hey....Yea I know it’s great!!!! Triple Axel? No I am doing Trip Lutz,Triple Loop,Double Axel.....Great I am so Glad I made the Olympic Trails!!!!Bye Alexa!*she hangs up*
Skylar was doing her workout in the middle of her dorm while FaceTiming her coach. “Faster,” her coach said, “You have to have a strong core to do some of these jumps,” Skylar kept doing her cardio. She finally finished, and went to explore the school
Emma: walks to the skating rink
Jessica:*she skates back on to the rink and plays a Disney medley for her short program*
Emma: she practices, and tries not to fall. “hey, I got this!” right after she said that she fell “ow”
Jessica:*she practices her combo first her Triple Lutz,Than Triple loop,and Double Axel she landed all smoothly*
Asher stood on a chair and said."Hey kids, who wants to have story time with Asher?"
Jessica:*she finishes and skates off the ice packing her items and hoped in her car and drove back to school*
"Anyone? I'm lonely here." Asher pouts.
Jessica:*walks back to her dorm and falls face into her bed*
Rika peers in Jessica's dorm. She trusted Jessica somehow, she felt like Jessica was trustworthy.
(where is everyone?)
Jessica:*she calls her coach*Can you come and help me train for the trials!!!.....Okay thanks!*she smiled*
(gtg brb)
(Gtg to swimmmmers practice be back at 7:40 est)
(me is back)
(me is here)
Asher walked around, whistling.
"Who wants to hear a story?" Asher asked randomly.
(anyone still here?)
(I am gonna make a schedule and post it so we can do the classes)
(Did I miss anything important?)
(Asher is bored)
Asher sat strumming his guitar.
(we r all bored 😂)
Asher: “Promise me you’ll try us again." He sang strongly. "Cause baby, our love is strong, don’t give up now..."
(Skylar and Asher should meet)
Asher sang loudly with each word. “Baby our love is strong, don’t give up now!"
Asher hugged his guitar as Skylar crashed into him.
"As long as Callie is alright, it’s okay." Asher smiled at her.
"I’m Asher. You look a lot like Hunter." Asher commented.
"Why not? She came from California after all." Asher patted Callie.
"Where are you going in such a jiffy?" Asher raised his brow.
"I’m coming." Asher stood up and followed her.
"Hey bro." Asher gave him a high five.
"So the other day I was at a farm..." Asher started his story.
"I asked the farmer if he had a alien invasion in his corn field recently..." Asher trailed off, scratching this head.
“eheh...” aspyn said. she tried not to step on the cracks in the sidewalk so she didn’t break her mom’s back...
"He actually said yes! So I asked if I could stay over night to protect the corn from the aliens. He also said yes." Asher smiled.
"I stayed up all night, but I didn’t see any aliens. I stayed up for nothing. But at least I got three corn!" Asher smiled.
Jessica:*she walks out to her car with Nick she was going to meet her coach at the rink*
Jessica:Alexa!!!*she hugs her coach*
(I was doing bio homework 🤣)
(me is back, anyone on?)
Todd: hi