well this is my first catchy song..(tappy)
basically it’s abt your friends changing and you being confused like “why are you doing this to me?”  story in comments.


well this is my first catchy song..(tappy) basically it’s abt your friends changing and you being confused like “why are you doing this to me?” story in comments.

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@caption so yeah, this song is abt how you come back and then your friend is like completely diff. and you’re just like “are you talking abt me behind my back? are you spilling my tea? do you even remember me??”
@caption which has actually happened to me. (well she didn’t spill any of my tea thank god 🙆‍♀️) but she started hanging out with diff ppl and we kinda just drifted off since I didn’t like who she was hanging out with.
@caption but yeah, she was rlly diff. and I was just like “uh..” qotd: don’t you hate when you’re trying to make friends with someone and they’re just DISAGREEING WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAY?! aotd: YES, IN MY HEAD IM JUST LIKE BXTCH IF YOU KEEP ACTING LIKE THIS IM NOT GONNA EVEN TRY TO B YOUR FRIEND. like, it’s rlly rude! I don’t actually say any of this tho lol. just walk away.
wow. that song is actually so good! well done
I downloaded an app called phonto and you can do rainbow text on their
one of my friends did the same to me. she started becoming closer with another friend of mine and didn't include me in anything. luckily we are almost back to normal now