Yes I used an emoji as a filter don't kill me


Yes I used an emoji as a filter don't kill me

22 0
I really miss u
*hugs u*
lol so hru?
going trough some really hard stuff. but other then that I'm ok
it's just I'm losing ppl. maddie. Katie. almost lost gorgie. losing my uncle.
ik. I'm soooo happy she is ok
I would be dead if she died. I would not know what to do
ily2 bye
yah I'm with my cat he meows when I'm not there and the lady gets annoyed
après fly black cats are bad luck not this one tho
I'm guessing longer I'm going to someone's for tea at 9
I don't want to either beacuse I want all my friends happy and booboo my cat would never stop meowing
yes that's so tru