MY TVFAIRY KRIS KRINGLE IS... CooperFun11!!!! she got me too so it's really cool! but she loves Mel and mint green and it was a mint green edit but when I filtered it it became seafoam blue but whatevs I hope you like


MY TVFAIRY KRIS KRINGLE IS... CooperFun11!!!! she got me too so it's really cool! but she loves Mel and mint green and it was a mint green edit but when I filtered it it became seafoam blue but whatevs I hope you like

114 3
this is amazingπŸ’•β€οΈ
I love this too much!!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜
OMG I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!😍😍😍 Thank you SO MUCH JENNA!!!!
this is so good omg
thanks! and this is amazing! πŸ’“
you can find premades from Cooperfun11 tutorials and can you do the text too tysm Jenna
kk thanks πŸ’œ
my account got deleted
yea I'd love to collab do u have someone in mind