Collage by 8Kids_NoAdults-FANPAGE1


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I don't think anyone deserves hate pages. They are very sweet and kind kinds. They don't deserve this.
I meant they don't deserve the hate pages πŸ˜…
i love their story i think they are amazing
Hey hey!🌸 People like 8Kids_NoAdults who are amazing, kind and joyful don't deserve hatepages, they are probably the most joyful acc on PCπŸ’˜ These hatepages are useless. πŸ™„ Lets help themπŸ‘‘πŸ˜Š
Hi. I also feel that they do not deserve hate they're page is great and they are very kind also I think you're doing a amazing job by supporting them
these kids need all the support they can get from us on PC, and they did nothing to deserve hate pages. anyone who made a hate page for them clearly does not understand the point of this app: to be inspirational and help others with their troubles. making hate pages does absolutely the opposite of that. please stop the hate for 8Kids_NoAdultsπŸ’œ
All of the kids stay strong. They are with each other through hard times. They love each other so much.
they do not deserve any of the hate. they are going through hard enough times.
I think they r amazing and definitely don't deserve hate it is really not good. they r amazing and they should keep being amazing
πŸ’œThey are going through so much for one another and if the haters think they are helping, they really aren't.
They will stay strong, they just have to believe in themselves, hate won't help that
They taught me true sibling love and I won't forget that
8Kids_NoAdults is an amazing account! the things they have to go through just to simply live and be happy is incredible! all of the hating going on needs to stop because these 8 kids are extremely brave and smart. ❀️
πŸ’œ8Kids_NoAdults is one of the best accounts, it's because they stand up for a crying person who is getting hate. It actually makes me feel better! Thank you so much for being their FanPage. Everyone loves you and the account! πŸ’œ πŸ’¦