Pls help I’m scared for no reason at all😂


Pls help I’m scared for no reason at all😂

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hailey (idk if that’s your name...but i’ve seen other comments calling you that so yeah let’s just go with that) don’t worry. we’re all here for you, and you’re gonna be okay. if the tv is (was? smh) bothering you, turn it off and focus on something else for a while, it might help. and don’t worry, the police WILL catch the shooter. don’t apologize for ranting about this, and you’re not weird, we’re all here to help you and comfort you.
Same!!!!! I’m always like that 💛 I get so scared sometimes for no reason!!
Hey there! Look at you MAKING COLLAGES. Check out my latest post #PCisForCreativity
Half of my day is me being paranoid and jumping at the smallest things! Particularly if I’m on my own or something’s on my mind. But just remember, it is just the paranoia! You’ll be absolutely fine!💕
And if you need something to take your mind off it... we’re all here !
you’re following HATEPAGE-fangirlism_-HATEPAGE please unfollow ASAP hatepages don’t deserve followers or attention thanks have a great day 💕 also I’m not sure why you’d follow them if it’s your own main’s hatepage but whatever idk
Just a notice... Your following a hatepage. Unfollow them ASAP! Spread LOVE, not hate!