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Pardon me? I didn't copy anyone!
I mean the background might possibly be the same because I found it on the PicCollage search engine, but otherwise this is original
nahhhhh, ik u copied someone because I saw the same picture and they had it first , so shut up!
Im so sorry you feel that way, but I can promise you I. MADE. THAT. POST. Can you please show me the post that I "copied"?
First of all, she didn't copy second of all, shut the fûck up
Ciel dear god
Thanks tho ☺️
Oh and btw my username is on that picture, so if the person I "copied" has MY USERNAME in the bottom left then THEY copied MY collage
Just sayin
here I will remix my featured collage and show you where it is
Please leave my friend alone, she did not copy it. Also please shut the fûck up.