The thing that bothers me the most about them is that they are grown men who make appointments and go to the grocery store and pay bills and do taxes and work like tf


The thing that bothers me the most about them is that they are grown men who make appointments and go to the grocery store and pay bills and do taxes and work like tf

90 0
like me recent?
@caption, literally same. they can't be paying bills and shîz, they're like 12
^im 12 and ngl I think I'm more mature than them
Where are they???
*arm lovingly over dans shoulder with Phil hugging close* hm, pay bills? my bbs? hm no sir mister big tax man I think you got the wrong idea have a nice day bubye "but miss" *slams door in face*
^füçk off m8
noooo don't ouch me away that's mean I was talking to the big tax man m8
^im joking ily m8
you hit me in the pheels
I'm sorry imma be a bad feminist and blame it my period
okie have nice period fren if I could I would send you chocolate but here is virtual chocolate and pain medicine 🍫💊
thank you vv much even though tHeRe sTiLL isn't BLOOD I feel cramps and stuff but there's nothing there I HATE BEING IRREGULAR SMH
here is candy and some Phan for you 🍬👬