New Collage!
My favorite movie/musical 
q: What movie?
a: legally blonde!!


πŸ’—πŸ’–TAPπŸ’–πŸ’— New Collage! My favorite movie/musical q: What movie? a: legally blonde!! _Lavender_

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Hi, I’m Jennasis and thank you for the follow! I just posted my first post, it’s a β€œGet To Know Me” post, if you will! Come check it out and let’s be friends!! With all smiles here, much love, Jennasis!😊🌸✨
Hey Jennasis! Of course we can be friends!! I saw your post and you sound like an amazing person! If you have any questions about PC just lmk!! - _Lavender_
thank you so much! you are so so kind! <3
yes I’d love to collab! can u make the chat page plz?
Amazing collage you can create a collage inspired by account or recreate a collage from my account
aotd: that's hard but either Civil War or Black Widow or Infinity War
✨New post✨
such a good movie
mines autumn in New York