(not related to the pic although i love him) OH MY GOD YOU GUYSSSS I HAVE NEVER WANTED A BOYFRIEND MORE IN MY WNTIRE LIFFFFE WHY HAS NO ONE SNATCHED ME UP YET WHAT IS WRONG W ME i just wanna hold someone’s hand and kiss them and carE FOR SOMEONE IN A DIFF


(not related to the pic although i love him) OH MY GOD YOU GUYSSSS I HAVE NEVER WANTED A BOYFRIEND MORE IN MY WNTIRE LIFFFFE WHY HAS NO ONE SNATCHED ME UP YET WHAT IS WRONG W ME i just wanna hold someone’s hand and kiss them and carE FOR SOMEONE IN A DIFF

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(not related to the pic although i love him) OH MY GOD YOU GUYSSSS I HAVE NEVER WANTED A BOYFRIEND MORE IN MY WNTIRE LIFFFFE WHY HAS NO ONE SNATCHED ME UP YET WHAT IS WRONG W ME i just wanna hold someone’s hand and kiss them and carE FOR SOMEONE IN A DIFF WAY YAKNOW and i wanna feel butterflies in my stomach bc I’m truly in love w someone and also wanna kiss them and go on dates and text them and kiss them and cuddle and idk sleep at his house but lie to my parents I’m somewhere else and KISS THEM
hahaha I’m sorry guys it’s just all of my dreams lately end w me texting a bf I have?? so when i wake up my morning consists of me lying in bed daydreaming about what it would b like to have a bf. this also just feels super weird on here bc most of y’all are gay and obsessing over girls and I suppoRT YALL I LOVE WATCHING YALL SWOON and I’m just a lil straight gal who’s about to be a legal ADULT in half a year and still never had anyone 😤😤
i stg i better not get w anyone in the band this year i would NEVER DO THAT. besides there’s really no one in my grade in band that are cute or even worth going for or even have a good personality and i am not dating anyone under seniors lol Emma’s only two bfs have been sophomores and they both ended up badly
Maybe the dreams are a sign your man is about to show up 🥺 I didn’t really have anyone before Tristin n then I tried to gay and my parents said nay then I finally texted him lol
which I know we’re not the model relationship currently buT we’re gonna do therapy so I’m working on trusttttt but is there anyone in the back of your mind that you’ve been kinda thinking of, maybe they’re causing the dreams??
I had soooooo many dreams about Tristin 😂
not weIrD ones I just realized how that sounded oof
aH!!! I’m on drum line this year!!! and yeS everyday is super physical ohmygosh we do laps and heckin jumping jacks and my body is d y i n g g g g g g. I think it’s mostly from being tense from set so often and the cymbal weight on my arms and shoulders but I’ll (I hope) get used to it!! and dUDE drumlins hasn’t even goTTEN our music yet, Taylor (the percussion instructor) won’t hand it out to us until next week when it’s percussion ensemble and wind ensemble together:(