If u think this is nasty then u can leave me alone, I'm bi so what. This right here is my ex girlfriend Julia, she is 15 and lives by me and it's still wired. And we were engaged and we were really happy together until we had to break up


If u think this is nasty then u can leave me alone, I'm bi so what. This right here is my ex girlfriend Julia, she is 15 and lives by me and it's still wired. And we were engaged and we were really happy together until we had to break up

14 0
if you want to know how old I am 11 years old
dang, and cool, my others ex was also a 11 to
send her in my direction 😉
lol she has a new girlfriend
I was jk lol
I have 5 bio friends but I am start so if someone misses with my friends they get there a kicked so have a good
I do to, but ppl is bulling me because I'm bi