buT IMMA TALK ABOUT BAND ANYWAYS WHO CARES IF NO ONE LISTENS!!!!!! (if you wanna know my favorite marching exercise check the comments it may seem confusing lol)


buT IMMA TALK ABOUT BAND ANYWAYS WHO CARES IF NO ONE LISTENS!!!!!! (if you wanna know my favorite marching exercise check the comments it may seem confusing lol)

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okay so my favorite marching exercise is when we practice slides. slides are when we face forward with our lower body but slide our upper body to a different direction. the exercise my band does and what we call it is "all left everything". clever, right haha. we march forward eight steps, then march forward eight steps again but with our upper body slid to the right, then we march eight steps backwards (but it's still forwards bc we then slide our lower body to the left so we're still in a straight line), then we slide our upper body to the same position as our lower body so we're completely backwards but still in a straight line, then we slide our upper body left again, slide our lower body to match, and then do the same thing one last time before stopping. eight steps each. and you've made you're way halfway across the field.
have fun figuring that one out MWAHAHHAHAHA
i hate slides sm aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
my brain hurts