oml pc is so sad and we’ve been joking that it’s dying for years but it actually feels like it’s dying now oml check comments for me being sentimental and rambling lol


oml pc is so sad and we’ve been joking that it’s dying for years but it actually feels like it’s dying now oml check comments for me being sentimental and rambling lol

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i just wanna say that i love you guys a lot a lot a lot and this app has legit changed my life and given me amazing friends that i would probably be dead without oml and wow this sounds like i’m leaving hahHAHJ i’m nOT LEAVING i’m just in a weird mood lol and idk pc is like the only social media app that i’m comfortable on yknow? like i barely post on insta cuz insta scares me (even tho i’ve had it for a year) and i love twitter but actually making and posting tweets is scaRY and idk those platforms are just so big and overwhelming that i feel like i could never make friends on them so pc is the only place i’ve been able to get internet friends and you guys are the actual best people i’ve ever met oml you guys have made my life so much better and you’ve helped me through all the sh^t i’ve had at different points in my life and i’ve been on pc for so long oml i remember when everything was blue instead of white and we didn’t have those bio/website links oml so yeah idk i just,,miss pc yknow? it’s kinda weird,,,,i have so many fûckign memories on this app omlllllll (good and bad but there’s much more good memories lol) okay that’s all i have to say lol
basically: i love you guys lol
that doggy is cute 🥰
ty ily 🥰🥰 i’m not leaving this earth any time soon
i feel exactly the same as u i miss 2016 pc so much even tho i was so annoying :(
I requested to follow you on my private acct as well !
it’s all good dw about it lol
yes omg the book is so good
i can Not sleep 😐🙈
i cannot!!! i’m paranoid as heck!