Collage by Yo_itz_Taylor


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Cmon just add me and say I'm an old friend from school πŸ˜‚
Boi you want me to go against my mom😱
Yeah πŸ˜‚
When she checks your snapchat, block me so she doesn't find me. and then unblock me when she's done if the old friend from school doesn't work πŸ™ˆ
Trust when i reach my certain age ill give it too youπŸ‘Its my mom we are talking BoutπŸ˜‚
Just say to her now: Hey, I have this friend called Grayson and he wants me snapchat, can he? we've been friends for a few months now and I trust him, can I mom? 🚫
Thats actually a good idea ill think about it!
Just ask her now πŸ˜‚ or add me now πŸ˜‚
Add me now and when she asks who I am just say: oh Grayson? he's a really good friend and he asked for my snapchat a while back, I was gunna ask you if I could add him but you were busy, He's nice and wouldn't do anything to put me in danger, I hope it's okay mom?