YAY TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!


YAY TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!

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well, I have the freedom of speech, and if people cheered on Clinton, then I can cheer in Trump!
trumps is a idiot
Ah ^^^^TRU
I'm not afraid to be whom I am!
Don't u mean Donald Dump
ALL Trump supporters are either racist or sexist, or even both.
he's gonna build a WALL and then make the Mexicans pay 4 it even though he's a billionaire
true fact- 60% of Trumps voters didn't go to college
watch their be riots and suicides all over America
I'm neither
and you're a lair!
and it's Donald Trump!
and he's the best we have right now!
Besides Obama President Abraham Lincoln is the best President ever because he ended slavery
I am pretty sure that Trump just wants to start slavery again
he doesn't
btw Abraham Lincoln is the best president, but not Obama
he sucks
btw you shouldn't mess with me, I'm a full on born and die republican, and I will stand for the right!
for the right of racism?!?!?!
Trump supporters r just voting for racist, sexist, low life JERK!!
he HATES Muslims, African Americans, Mexicans, gays, lesbians, trans genders, disabled people, and last but not least WOMEN
the ONLY people he likes are RICH WHITE MEN!
lair, lair, LAIR!!!
And I stand for God, the truth, and simply the right (of good)
ok just saying you keep saying "lair" everywhere meaning someone who lies but you spell it liar not lair...just saying
I don't care
or mind
Alexa_aaa is right 😤😤😤
no need to bring up religion, right, hurt feelings can be in hear you don't know if you going to hurt someone
btw, in my mind Alexa_aaa is wrong