


23 10
back of he's mine
he's my bro
hi bro
hey sis
yeah sure
bro plz don't she is hurting my feelings
bro I'm begging u
what she doing to u
she called me ugly
plz bro I'm begging u and if u date her I will cry
I'm already taken
bro am I ugly
am I
ok thx bro I love u so much ur the best bro ever
that's what bros r for
I love u I wish I could hug u right now
πŸ˜™πŸ˜™kiss my bro on the cheak
love you brow
what are u doing
what do u want
can we talk pls
bro he's stalking me and Jakob
I'm sorry I got at u the last time can u forgive me plz
hey dude what do u want from ppl
he wants my bf
I know that he was taken
ok look ur forgiven by me
I don't want to be mean to ppl I don't like being mean
I do some time if there creepy
I just want two talk with someone
yeah I only fight them if they messing wit my family or with my girl
are u still gay yes or non
ok so u just need a friend?
he's not gay
I'm jut gay that's Justin he not here
ok I just need s friend two
not *
y would my bro be gay
oh ok can I tak with justin plz
I understand. if u want ppl to talk to u ur gonna have to stop posting gay videos and like start posting cool stuff
he's not here yet
ok I will help u with that
ok but why
I just want two go out with u and Jacob and I don't have a boyfriend
me and Jakob r dating other girls
bro my water just broke I haveing my babyies
I want two date u
to bad
sorry for what
cole I'm having my kids do u even care
I can't date u
or do u wanna chat with this butt
yes I do care sis
why not 😞
i have a girlfriend
umm ur rude u called me ugly
who is this boy ☝️
me ?
Ik he tried to date my bf
I like it lot 😞
um...okay thanks I know I'm sexy but I love my gf
ok 😞
omg bro and girl u don't have to be here this is my family so stop
no ur not he's comeing with me no lets go bro
girls please stop fighting
but bro I need u there with me
ok I will chat with both of yall
I'm giving birth
he's my brother not urs I need him more
I'm right
bro u can talk to her I just gave birth to my kids and u weren't there
I can't fine it
sorry πŸ˜πŸ˜”
sorry for what
I think they went on private
can u tell them two post something plz
they deleted the acc my sis used to date that boy she said they r gone
bye bro u don't care
what can I do now 😞
hailey Jakob wants u
u should probably wait
who ???
u think he wants two go out with me yes or no
no he doesn't he a father so get a fin life u creep I'm tired of u just leave my family alone
no he has. a gf
Jakob is crying
what can I do now
wait for a boy that is gay and ask u out
Ik I am to
I just want someone 😞😞😞
they r cute congrats
idk a random boy
thx bro *hugs him tight and cries *
what are h saying
go away do
I'm talk with him
ok I'm done *cries* I'm gonna leave
hey guys I Gtg bye ....
can we talk just u and me plz
bye bro I love u so much
I have to gooooo!!!
can we talk just u and me letter plz