This is my ex best friend. We ended on a really bad note. We only play 8 ball together, but she texted me this today after no one was correctly gendering me. Day made ❤


This is my ex best friend. We ended on a really bad note. We only play 8 ball together, but she texted me this today after no one was correctly gendering me. Day made ❤

41 0
aw :')
aw 😫
I'm ok, I have off times and pretty good times with my gf, speaking of which how are things with Allen?
ah cool! our one month is Thursday :D
that's so nice
😂 thanks, also, I've been meaning to ask where and what you search to get your posts, I can never find any new ones and if I do they end up being ones that you've already posted
That's amazing!😊
1. I'll fight anyone who misgenders you 2. aw