Takura- um hey..


Takura- um hey..

6 0
(well he sounds great to ship with Phoenix, GET OVER HERE PHOENIX YOU BEING SHIPPED)
( LOL)
(Phoenix:Wat boi? Wind:I SAID U BEING SHIPPED
(wanna do a medieval rp? IDKKKKK)
( why medi-.....on second thought....ye)
(WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO im like really hyper, possibly from the mint leaves, but eh, WHATEV)Phoenix:*jumpin from roof to roof quickly*
takura- -walking around the village,with a hood on,covering his tattoo-
Phoenix:*Sees him, tilts head slightly, then continues jumping on the rooftops quickly*
takura- -looks around making sure no one is staring at me-...-sighs-
Phoenix:*Appears by him* Hi there.
takura- -gets startled and shoots her and a golden light,hood coming off and showing tattoo which is now glowing gold-
Phoenix:*eyes widen* ...
takura- -eye widen and looks at everyone who is staring- -grabs hoodie and runs through he forest- people- is it true?- could it be..?- its the legendary dragon tamer..!?-
Phoenix:Wait! *Runs after*
( ok so..he is part dragon..but he has a dragon...). takura- -panting and running- dxmn....
(brb)Phoenix:*Easily catches up* How'd you do that?!
takura- -disappears-
(THAT TOOK WAY LONGER THAN EXPECTED, SRY)Phoenix:*Sighs, and closes eyes, trying to sense where he went*
takura- -running through the forest i to a dark cave- -walkings through cave into a bigger place with a golden waterfall- hm...where is she...
(SORRY I WAS GONE FOR SO LONG...)Phoenix:*Senses where he went, and flies toward there, landing outside the cave and hiding her wings before walking in* Hello?...
takura- -gasps and makes a invisible force shield,making it look like just a cave wall-
Phoenix:I know you're there. I just want to talk.
talura- -the force field disappears- your not supposed to be here..
Phoenix:Why not...?
takura- its sacred..leave.. *there is a dragon roar*. takura- oh no...
Phoenix:*Eyes widen* A dragon...?
takura- you have to lea- dragon- -is behind him and roars- takura- -eyes widen-
Phoenix:*Laughs slightly* Why? Dragons don't scare me.
takura- hey kiya calm down.. dragon- -growl and roars- takura- who ever you are...please leave...your scaring HER...
Phoenix:If you're talking about me, I'm not afraid. Not in the slightest.
talura- im talking aBout my dragon....idiot...kiya.. please. dragon-...-calms down,but still growling-
Phoenix:K, just making sure. *Looks at the dragon* I'm not here to hurt you. I don't know if you can understand me or not, but I swear I'm not here to hurt you or him.
dragon-..i...understand...i was just scared because takura is the only one i trust... takura--smiling and pets her-
Phoenix:*Smiles slightly* K.
dragon- well...im kiya.. takura- she is my dragon...the only golden-scaled dragon in the world ...
Phoenix:Wow... that's amazing. I'm Phoenix.
takura- im takura... dragon- -smiles-
(we takin M-STEP this week, won't be on much during schooldays)
Phoenix:Nice to meet you both.
(the what)
(It's basically the GMAS test)
(i think)
takura- um.please keep this a secret....im actually being hunted down... gaurds- search everywhere! takura- oh no...
( ooooooh)
Phoenix:*Whispers*~Heh, don't worry, I can actually help with that. (yep.)
takura- no i got it..come on..-walks where the lava water fall is- dragon- -follows-
Phoenix:*Walks after* You sure...?
takira- yea...-stands i front of the cave entrance and says a spell,closing the cave-...there
takura- yea..
Phoenix:How'd you do that?...
takura-..cant tell you that
(i was at da dentist)Phoenix:K...
( and i was at da band). takura- -smiles and walls through the lava water fall- dragon- -follows-
(yoi)Phoenix:Ehh... *Casually walks after, since she can't be harmed by fire*
takura- -sees her- your not normal...arent you... dragon- -makes a confused sound-
Phoenix:Not a normal human, no. From what I've been told, I'm at least part phoenix.
talira- that's amazing
Phoenix:Thanks! But not as cool as having a dragon, though.
takura- heh...i guess
Phoenix:*Smiles slightly* So, why'd you walk through the waterfall?
takira- to show you this..-moves some vines and there is a water fall and dragons everywhere-
Phoenix:Oh holy lord. (GOTTA GO MOW THE LAWN)
takura- this is dragon cove....its a sacred and secret place....people have tried to find it for years
Phoenix:It's... amazing... *Eyes are wide* Wow...
takura- yea...-whistles with two fingers and the dragons fly down infront of them-
Phoenix:*Smiles* I'd never seen a dragon at all, before today... and now there's so many...
takura- hey guys..its ok...shes just ..a friend i guess... *they all turn to human* wow- she look nice- and she is pretty- takura- -rolls eyes- this is Phoenix
Phoenix:*Blushes a little, and waves slightly* Hi...
kiere- hi im kire..-smiles and winks- takura- aka...the perv and pretty boy around here.. kiere- shut up.... kiya- -chcukles and lays down-
Phoenix:*Laughs slightly* Nice to meet you...
kiere- nice to meet you to. rena- im Rena ( dxmn...i got to make more people!!!!!....ugh)
Phoenix:*Laughs slightly* There's so many of you... Sorry if I don't remember all your names...
kiere- its fine...some of us donot have names...me and rena are friends of takura...so it pace over there...the black creepy looking dragon.... pace- -turns to human-...i can hear you
Phoenix:*Waves slightly*
pace- -looks at her and walks away- takura- yea...
Phoenix:Huh...Okay then!...
talira- tpace is that creepy and quiet kina guy... and that over there i collen,the turquoise dragon... coleen- -tuns human and walks up- hello..
coleen- -smiles- im Coleen,nice to meet you phoenix
Phoenix:Same to you!
coleen- -smiles- takura- yea..so thats the gang....the other..millions of dragons can turn into human
Phoenix:I didn't know dragons could turn human... that's awesome.
talura- few of them can
Phoenix:I can turn into a phoenix, that's about it... heh.
takira-...well...whats a Phoenix
Phoenix:It's... a fire bird.... I'm named after them.
takura- thats cool
Phoenix:Thanks! Here this's what they look like. *Turns into le phoenix*
takura- whoa... coleen-..-eyes widen- kiere-...awsome.. pace- -rolls eyes-
Phoenix:*Changes to human again* Yeah... but I don't do that often because... it usually gives me a huge headache...
takura- oh..
Phoenix:Yep... I'm odd, don't judge me... heh...
takura- im not judging. kiere- me either sweetheart. coleen- -punches kieres arm- me either
Phoenix:Thank— hey, wait. Did you just call me sweetheart?...
kiere- -winks- yep... takura and coleen- -rolls eyes-
(I was at le band concert, back)Phoenix:Uh... *slightly more pink than usual* ...
talura- well...thats kiere
(EYYYYYY I sound like cràp, I'm not good at the Clarinet)Phoenix:Yeahp.
( it ok...). kiere- -chuckles mischievously- is that blushing i see?~. takura- uuughh coleen- -slaps the back of his head- shut up... kiere- ow!
Phoenix:*Laughs slightly*
takura- -sighs- its getting dark...the rest of us our going to sleep....wanna stay with. kiere- -stands by takura- i can keep you company~~. takura- -kicks him-... kiere- ow!! stop hitting me!!
Phoenix:Sure! *Looks at Kiere* If ya weren't saying pervy things, he wouldn't hit you.
kiere- i wasnt...just stating the obvious..... coleen- suree...-yawns-
Phoenix:Yeah... suuuuurrree.... *laughs slightly, then yawns as well*
takura- come on.... coleen- -turns into a dragon and falls asleep- kiere- -also turns and falls asleep- takura- -walks through some vines-
Phoenix:*Follows him*
takura- -there is a small bed and some lights- -and a small water fall- i sleep here...
Phoenix:It has waterfall... I think it's really beautiful...
takura- thanks..heh..you can sleep on the bed... i will sleep on the ground beside you....
Phoenix:Um... actually, would it be alright if I slept by the waterfall? It just sounds calming... I'm weird like that...
takura- sure...i sometimes sleep there but you can..-sits on the bed and sighs and takes off shirt,showing dragon tattoo on arm-
Phoenix:*Sees he has his shirt off, and blushes slightly, then spots te tattoo* What's that...?
kûkûrà- thîs îs kîÿã...-shôws hèr thē tãttôö ôf thè gôldèn drãgön whîch îs kïÿã-
Phoenix:That's amazing... did you draw it?
katura- had it since i was born....
Phoenix:That's like... some mystical destiny stuff rigt there... *eyes widen*
takura- heh...yea...i guess
Phoenix:*Smiles* Well, see ya in the morning... *eyes close, and she falls asleep*
takura-...night...falls asleep-
takura- -awake by the water fall-
Phoenix:*shifts, then blinks open her eyes, sitting up* *yawns*
Phoenix:Good morning... *stretches, yawning again*
takura- hey..
Phoenix:*stands up, and smiles at him*
takura- how did you sleep
Phoenix:Pretty good... how about you?
takura- good....the some of the others are hunting...but pace and kiere stayed so did most dragons-
takura- yea...
Phoenix:*She looks toward the vines suddenly* ...?
takura- something wrong?
Phoenix:yes, something is very wrong. we need to go... now. the dragons'll be fine, he'd never hurt a dragon... but we need to go.
takura- -stands up- but what is it....-grabs katana-
Phoenix:You can't fight it, the only option is to run... We have to go...
takura-phoenix what is wrong
Phoenix:Some people don't exactly like me, and want to kill me.
takura- -eyes widen-...they are here....!?
Phoenix:*Nods* We need. To go. Now.
takura- -eyes widen-....Phoenix.....i trusted you....-walks out and whistles- hey! everyone hide people are here!! coleen- what!?...-eyes widen and turns into a dragon- *everyone turns into a dragon and climbs up the tall rocks and turns invisible*... pace- -leaning against something- you shouldnt of trusted her kura....-disappears-
Phoenix: i didn't tell them... they always find me... I hoped that they wouldn't...
tàkürà- thîs plácè îs thè môst sàcrêd...nôw îts èxpôsèd...-tàttöö glôws brîghtlÿ ãnd sô dôès ēÿéš-
Phoenix:I won't let them hurt anyone. they're only after me. So if I leave, they'll chase me, and leave you all alone. So there's only one choice here. *walks out through the vines, and unfurls wings, quickly flying out of te cave*
takura- -sighs and looks at tattoo,eyes widen- shįt..... kiya- -roars loudly shaking the place-
Phoenix:*smiles slightly* as long as they're safe, I'll be fine. *continues flying quickly*
kiya- phoenix!!! -flies in front of her- what...did..you do!? takura- -runs towards the, and sees kiya is glowing gold-...
Phoenix:*she stares at the ground, hair hiding her face* There's people chasing me... And they know where I am... so I have to leave... or else you'll all be in danger...
kiya- can you not se we are already in danger...!? -eyes glow,growling-
Phoenix:I know... *a tear falls down her face, but she wipes it away* I thought they'd never find me... I thought it'd be safe if I made friends... but I was wrong. So now I have to leave... to protect you all...
kiya- then..leave..now -alot of sparkling smoke appears and she is outside-
Phoenix:I will... I don't want anyone getting hurt... *flies off*
kakira- you didnt have–. kiya- kura...hide now... takura- -sighs and disappears-...
Phoenix:*Continues flying, then stops to rest on a tree*
Takura- its fine to come out now.... *everyone turns visible and flies down*
(sry for not replying, I was driving to St. Louis, and then we didnt have wifi. So yeah, I'm in Missouri right now)Phoenix:*Hears someone running below her, and holds her breath* ...
( MISSOURI?!) coleen- -turns human- are you sure...what is happening. Takura- Phoenix led some people here...but they are gone now....
(YES I WAS IN MISSOURI BUT NOW IM IN MICHIGAN AGAIN)Phoenix:*hears the footsteps stop, and eyes widen* ...
( oh) pace- -is walking around in the openthen sits in a tree- coleen- where's pace.. Takura- -shurgs-
(THERE WAS A BUS HANGING OFF A BUILDING)Phoenix:*Feels a smol dart hit her neck* dxmn... *unfurls wings quickly and flies off, the edges of her vision slowly darkening* Gotta stay awake...
(WHERE BOI) pace- -sees her and eyes widen slightly- what the....
(City Mueseum, St. Louis. THEY ALSO HAD A FERRIS WHEEL ON THE BUILDING AND A TEN STORY SLIDE AND STUFF IT WAS WEIRD)Phoenix:*lands in a tree, then falls unconcious*
(Oh...) Pace- -eyes glow green and super speeds over there, and she is in my arms-...hm..
(child how you been)Phoenix:*still unconcious* (O SHOOT PACE X PHOENIX?!)
(Child..get on at
(Get on at 3:00 exactly that time). (Omg nuuuu DUN DUN XUUUN) pace- *he carries her under a big tree and lays her down and sits against the tree by her*
(Welp nvm..)
(sorry! i was on the bus)
Phoenix:*snaps awake* WHAT THE HECK WHERE AM I?! (so, uh, today is my last full day on PC. tomorrow I have to turn in my iPad)
(NUUUUUUU FREN COME BACK) pace- calm down... Your outside..idiot
(SO, OKAY, I MAY BE GETTING AN IPOD which means I can get social media now)Phoenix:*turns and sees him, surprised* wait... but I was just in a tree. Did you bring me here?
( AGHHHHHH...awsome)
Pace- no an angel did *he rolls his eyes*
(i gots it. *le hug* I CAN STILL TALK BOI!)Phoenix:*crosses arms* ha ha. But why did you help me? it seemed like you didn't particularly like me.
Pace- oh my don't like you. I just dont want your blood everywhere.... (Does a iPod haver a phone number....idk)
(no, but I can text other people, if I hbe theirs.)Phoenix:Figures. Well, thanks anyways. I didn't exactly want to die... *stares down at tje ground*
Pace- yea yea..* his eyes glisten a green, gets up and walks away*
Phoenix:Welp. *leans back, rests head on arms, closes eyes*
Takura- -appears in front of her- phoenix there you are!
Phoenix:*bolts upright* WAGH! U-Uh yeah...
Takura- i jave been looking every where for you
Phoenix:Y-You have?
Takura- yea..I thought you were captured or something
Phoenix:h-heh... no, almost though...
Takura- Well..your alive...come on...we need to get back
Phoenix:O-Okay. *Stands up*
Takura- *his tattoo glows, winces holding arm* hah!...dxmn...s-somethings wrong...we n-need to get back..! Gah...!
Phoenix:Crud, uh, c'mon! *starts running back*
Takura- *follows, slightly falling behind* co
( uuuuuuuugfh...I didn't mean that)
Takura-*follows her A little behind* Coleen- hey guys – w-whats wrong?
Phoenix:H-He came to get me, and then his arm started to hurt!
Takura- s-somethings wrong..!! Kiya- *flies down, glowing gold* something is not right. Takura- y-yea I know! Pace- *appears in some. Black smoke, against the wall panting* h-hey guys. Takura- pace! *rushes over to him. Coleen- oh no...
Phoenix:W-What's going on?! *slightly scared, but only wants to help*
Pace- *takes his hand away from stomach, there is an arrow in it, blood rushing out* *his eyes are green but they are fading to a black*
Phoenix:*eyes widen, rushes over, hands shaking* I-If I can just... *trying to gather enough power to heal him*
Pace- *roars in pain* *kiya in his mimd- pace, you need to calm down, breathe and stay awake* pace- i-im..trying..augh..! Takura- kiya what are you doing..
Phoenix:*heals the wound, hands shaking a lot more than before*
Pace- *falls unconscious* kiya- hm...*walks away* takura- *looks at phoenix and then kiya then pace* *picks him up and brings him where we bring the hurt dragons, lays him down*
Phoenix:I... I can try and heal him... but it might not work...
Takura- j-just...let him rest for now...