Collage by molester_moon


11 0
What is your favorite book? Mine is the One and Only Ivan.
am 5'll and do you like frozen
am 11
what is your average schedule on a school day (or weekend)?
Hi I am 5ft 3inches
Hi I'm also an 11 year old
Why am I even on the website I dunno
Idk I'm slightly taller than my mom ?¿
You'll grow and I won't so
*Crafts in latin*
*Throws house plants at you* NO U SHALL GROW
pinof7 was so gay I loved it
sweetie my innocence left when I read the hat fic my Parents seriously need to stop me one
in Pinof 1 He tries to hug Phil back of you look
Honestly I've read so much fanfic that The cherry fic didn't faze me
I need help Please send People
I have a fairly innocent one of Phan in reading
There's a ferret but AU Phil loves the ferret Soo
They haven't And remember 2022
I'll be 18
well it depends I might be 19
So I'm Attending this wedding i don't care if I Have to look thru a window
I have a feeling I'm not the only one..
Great I'll be taking pictures
Ill craft square flakes
Don't cry, Craft