Kiss me like you want to be loved X


Kiss me like you want to be loved X

24 38
hello, I’m Max
hey there, what’s up?
hey im chole.
you too, mister Lorenzo. hows it going?:-)
oh i like love your name btw :)
they're fabulous right
hello hello I’m emmaline
everything sucks? I’m very bored renzoo
hm I think you could chose because I’m making you put up with me:) x
hm well then maybe we could have a binge watch of everything sucks and cuddle?
well, what would you like to talk about?
nobody’s ugly on the inside unless they choose to be, but I’m ugly throughout, I’m broken and I can’t be loved or even try to make myself feel confident anymore
people only need me there for a bit and then leave me, I’m almost like a worn out newspaper, people read it and once they do it’s gone and into the trash
and now nobody’s here for me, I’m lonely and a misfit and I know it’s always going to be like that
it’s okay, it’s worthless waiting for something like that when you’re as far gone as I am
it doesn’t matter, just forget I said anything
it doesn’t matter, I just should’ve kept my mouth shut, you probably think even less of me now
I’m sorry I get pretty bad anxiety sometimes
thank you renzo I really appreciate it x
now I feel sad:(
it’s nothing, I’m just sad
I’m going to bed now renzo because it’s 2:30 am but goodnight, I’ll talk to you tomorrow🖤
never mind, I can’t sleep:/
I’ll be fine:)
are you up?
^ Oooo 😁😁😁😁
Ahhh and the reason for why blocked you was because I showed her fake screenshots of you and some girl talking was why you were kept away for Long. So I made her believe you were talking to some other girl for over a month. She still loves U. Too bad She’s gotta believe a screenshot and see all the remixes for herself 😉😉😉 Have fun fxcking around with this one ^^^^^^
Check my 2 recent remixes hun 😉😉😘😘😘😘
no please don’t:(
what’s wrong renzo, you know you can talk to me
goodbye, I mean I really don’t have friends so I should just leave too
you don’t know me like I know myself, goodbye renzo
but you know what I should stay on, if you ever come back I’ll be here for you bub
no problem:/ even though you probably never wanna talk to me again, I’d be fine with that because you were a good friend
I miss you
raad name, I’m Mace(:
thank youu x & I’m wonderful 🤩 how’re you?
yess I’m in a good mood for once, something wrong?
I sure hope so, I hate seeing people sad. alrighty then but if you need anything I’m here love
of course, anytime xx
ah yes it’s short for Maci, which I guess isn’t really short lmâo
awh thank you sm (: I’m honestly in love with your name, I’ve never heard it before 🤩
I just realized
I ignored you :’)
my apologies lovey
ahh okay good. what’s shakin bacon
hey im jen
hey im Natalia:)
Okay I ruined your life on an app 😂
Your words are pathetic. Fix them up
i like your name :) . how are youu?
lmaø we all know that’s a big lie “Lorenzo” but keep up with the fool act 👌