I did😭


I did😭

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Hey Jason, I'm sorry. I wanna be friends. I miss u😭❤️
Ugh, Jays!!🙄 You make me smile😊❤️
Who's this for Jason😂✌🏼️
Really Allie😂 It's for someone. And that person will know😏
Thanks Cat😋
Oh. Hey Cristi. It's okay I guess. I m..miss you too..
thank you for following!😘😭 I will spam you and shout out you!👌
Np! I'll spam u!
Hey Jason. I got a new account. Follow mehh🤘🏼😘
Jason I can't anymore and plus you have zoey now so who the **** cares about me anymore I'm leaving
you never cared anyway
yes I did.
you don't care about ppl.. you just leave ppl... I care.
I do care I care a lot I care about you I care about Piper Mason Justin Alex Lucas I care! I don't just leave
but you've been saying to me that your gunna leave
some stuff I say isn't true I don't actually mean it anymore
I'm sorry I didn't take this well I know everything does revolve around me and when I saw your last post I was happy for you but I was also jealous because I wouldn't talk to you anymore it was All her now and I know that sound super weird but I do and I'm sorry that's how I feel and I'm sorry i make you mad all the time probably ruining your days or whatever
your not..
yes I clearly am
by everything I do
What do you do wrong?
You can't prove anything
why not?
cuz it's not tru
yes it is
it just is Jason
Fine then
are you mad at me
Jason ?
I missed you😭.....I think um I think Mason is cheating on me * hugs you and cries *
-hugs you- awe I'm soooo soo sorry Mandy :((
my brother died* cries * he isn't cheating on me, why does god hate me so much to have this stuff happen to me?
-hugs you tightly- god doesn't hate you, he makes these things happen for a reason Mandy. I'm so sorry :((
Jason? do you!? * cries *
Jason I need you I'm kinda hating life right now and I wanna die
I need you too.. I'll be here..
* hugs you*
so whatcha doing :)
hugging you
lol not irl :(
I know but I wish I could
samee ://
will we meet one day? you live where?
California :/
Jason I can't lose you!
what did I do wrong
yep ;)
I love you jbunny
ugh why do you say that all the time :((
I don't know if you really love me or if your just saying that... Jason Piper is leaving I can't * cries* she's like my sister she can't leave
yea😭* hugs you*
what why? she never even said anything !
she said it's hard to explain * cries*
Jason its me , Mandy, I made another account just incase my phone is being stupid or something like that so I'm on my laptop... * cries*
* cries*
I'm vvv sad :(
the hardest thing to do is say goodbye 😭
I told her " remember when you look at the sun or the moon I'm looking at the same on"
aweee :(:
* hugs you* we have each other for right now until she gets back right?
when will she be back ?
she said she might be back sometime in the future
I miss her
it's only been a day :(
I know and I can't take it I wish I had her number
same but Mandy her parents are very strict.
I know I just miss her so much * hugs you* can you rub my hand?
-rubs hand for a min then stops- whatcha doing other than talking to this boring potato ? :)
laying in bed * looks up at you* can you rub the other one?
can we just talk? like nothing sad.. I asked you a question...
yes we can. I have you an answer... a boring potato 😂you know they represent us! we are alllll different in a way.
😂😂it's true
lelel whatcha doing now ?
I am laying in bed and what about you?
Jason why did you comment " 😭😭😭😭😭" what's so sad about me killing myself? who would even care
I caree😭😭😭
jbunny don't cry * hugs you and cries* can you rub my hand?or play with my hair?
* sniffs and looks up at you * jbunny guess what?
I'm having a baby * looks up at you* can you rub my hand? * sniffs *
* hugs you*
* falls asleep on your shoulder*
-laughs and falls asleep-
* sleeps then wakes up a while later *
hi jbunny * hugs you*
thinking... and you?
fighting w my sister..
oh fun.... you have a sister?
yeah lol
allie, u don't know her I'm pretty sure
oh ok * hugs you*
* still hugging you* can you rub my hand?
-rubs hands- how r u?
* cries and hides my face in your chest* horrible I'm sick my ear hurts and every time I swallow it pops I can't hear out of it and I feel just horrible * cries more and holds onto you*
oh.. I'm sorry -hugs u-
* hugs back* I missed you
are u okay? -hugs-
no but I don't want people worried about me * looks up at me*
well it's okay not to be okay:)
thank you jbunny I love you* lays my head on your shoulder*
I love you more
can you rub my hand jbunny? * looks up at you*
-rubs your hand- how r u?
* takes your other hand and wraps it around my waist * bad really bad
why bad?
I don't wanna talk about it * lays my head on your shoulder*
Jason? I had to make a new account. I miss you a lot
im sorry Mandy. I was on vacation.
masons and I broke up last night this is what he said to me and I read this when I woke up...hey princess I think we should take a break from dating cause of everything going on it's not u it's me it really is but where both suicidal depressed like all the time constantly worried about each other it's not really good for a relationship and honestly on PC I've been dirty to with others even if it's not real I don't like it I want us both Happy I'm just so messed up rn I need to get myself together better I just don't like how it's been ur a wonderful person very beautiful one of the smartest and bravest ppl ik it's just not a good time for me than I'd still love to be really good friends and all but I don't like how I am rn I need to get myself together I need to learn from my mistakes here and I get the saying no sometimes the hardest love is loving someone enough to let them go I'm really sorry I'd really love to be friends still u can still come with me everywhere hang out in the future all that but I just don't have the right mindset for dating​ RN but maybe once we get together in person we can try again I really do love you but it's just bad timing for me and honestly I've loved u so much I've turned down other ppl on PC for u but I just can't do it RN I'm really sorry I truly am and if u do really love me u won't hurt urself in anyway but like u've told me talk to other ppl find the qualities in ppl u really like I want you happy
awe mandy😔😔 im so sorry *hugs*
* hugs back*
mandy i love you so so much!everything you've been through, just breaks my heart. it really does. such a beautiful, funny, sweet girl. can't believe anyone would do that to you. Mandy just remember you are beautiful. bc you are. you are amazingly beautiful.
* smiles and tears up* thank you jbunny * kisses your cheek*
hugs you. jbunny I miss you
i miss you too.
but i can't stay anymore.
but what about all of us jbunny how broke we will be
i to, im sorry.
but jbunny* cries* why I don't have anybody else Mason left me nobody ever talks to me anymore and Piper is never on and when she is she doesn't talk to me. now I'm losing you. wow my life really does suck
trust me my life is worse than yours
but jbunny! please don't go.
i have to.
why? cries I want you were
I love you Jason . promise me you'll come back
i cant promise. but ill try. i love you.
😭I love you so much Jason!
Okay. ive decided that im not gunna leave but i need a few days
ok😊hugs you
laying down. I don't feel good
feel better.
thank you. I have another kidney infection. 5 one this year!
it's so annoying I don't liek them
hugs you. can you rub my hand
im deleting this app for real. im never on here anymore
but jbunny. you promised me you would leave me😭😭😭😭😭
I didn't promise
but you said you would stay. what about Piper and me? and all the other people on here? jbunny we are going to miss you!
im sorry. bye
😭😭😭😭😭bye jbunny. I love you