Might go on private


Might go on private

18 1
Do not!! if you do I will
nuuu ,please , you are awesome
no no no
NNNNOOOOO!!! PLZ DONT!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
ok listen man, idk when this thing was posted and i most seriously doubt that you’re still active on this site. if you are though, i don’t mean to offend— i assume you have depression and low self-esteem because of these posts. i can understand because i do too, but i just gotta say something. if you need a break from social media, take a friggin’ break. don’t post stuff like “nobody cares about me” and “would anyone even miss me if i was gone” because the only thing you’ll get out of that is 1.) a couple people giving you encouragement, 2.) people giving you false encouragement because they want to look good, or 3.) people who think you’re an attention seeker. if you constantly make posts about going on and off of private, you’re going to get way more of #3 than #1. once again, i don’t want to offend you in any way— i very much understand what it’s like to think no one likes you. there’s probably a 99% chance you won’t see this but i felt the need to say it anyways.