David and Chloe's honeymoon!!


David and Chloe's honeymoon!!

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*looks at you and wraps my arms around your neck*
*wraps my arms around your waist*
*kisses you softly* I love you baby
*kisses back*i love you too baby
*smiles and puts your hand on my belly*
*smiles and rubs it*
*smiles* my belly feels better when you rub it
*smiles* lets go walk baby
ok baby
*grabs your hand and walks on the beach*
*finds a stick and writes something in the sand*
*writes* his girl forever with a big heart
*smiles and then the waves mess it up*
*smiles and runs down the beach* come get me baby
*chuckles and runs after you*
*slows down a lil*
*picks you up and spins you*
*smiles and looks at you*
*looks at you*
*kisses your nose* can we go inside now baby
*runs up to the beach house*
*waits for you* so is it a warm shower or bath baby
I don't care baby
*looks at you* warm bath with bubbles and you with me
ok baby*smiles*
*goes upstairs to the master bedroom and goes to the bathroom* baby I like this a lot
*smiles and gets undressed infront of you and bites my lip*
*smirks and turns off the water and gets in* come on baby come in here with me *bites lip*
*looks at you and bites my lip*
*smirks and gets in*
*sits on your lap facing you and makes out with you*
*makes out with you moving my hands up and down your sides*
*keeps making out with you*
*kees going and grabs your bütt*
*makes out and rubs your d*
*bites my lip and slowly puts your d in me*
*moves my hips slowly and kisses you*
*kisses holding your hips*
*kisses you and feels my belly*
*kisses then pulls back* baby he's kicking
*smiles and puts your hand on my belly* feel him
*smiles and lays my head on your shoulder*
*kisses your head*
*whispers in your ear* can we get out and find something to eat baby I'm hungry
of course
*grabs us both towels and gets out and hands you your towel*
*gets out and wraps it around my waist*
*wraps my towel around my chest* baby I have an idea
what is it baby
*looks at you* we can get dinner and then go on the beach and watch the sunset together
ok baby
Baby did you pack my coco butter to put on my belly
*puts on my bra and thong and jean shorts*
*puts shorts on*
*puts coco butter on my baby bump and feels Bryce kick*
*smiles and sees you looking at me*
*walks over to and kisses your cheek*
*kisses your head*
*smiles and puts a t-shirt and then your hoodie* I love you baby
I love you too
*lifts up my shirt and looks in the mirror at my baby bump and tears up*
*wraps my arms around your waist*
*jumps a lil and puts my hands on yours* he's active tonight *feels Bryce move around and kick* can we stay in tonight instead baby and order pizza
of course
*lays on the bed watching my belly* baby come watch this
*walks over to you*
*watches my belly and you can see Bryce moving around in my belly* you see him moving around like crazy
*smiles and rubs my belly* it hurts
*gets up and walks around in pain*
*looks at you*
*walks up and down the hallway* baby can you like kiss my belly or something it hurts so bad and when you touch him while he's moving he stops for you but not for me
ok baby lay down
*lays down on the bed*
*lifts up your shirt*
*watches you and holds my shirt*
*kisses your belly*
*he stops moving around but then starts moving*
*rubs it*
*watches you* I'm sorry baby I have you doing like a hundred different things
it's ok baby
*looks at you* is it to late to get pizza baby
no baby
Can you order pepperoni pizza baby
*looks at you* we should do something we'll never forget baby
like what baby
We should go snorkeling tomorrow as long as you don't leave me
ok baby
*hears the door bell ring*
*gets up and walks to the door*
*lays in bed and then smells the pizza and runs downstairs* I'm hungry baby
*pays and sets it on the table*
*smiles and hugs you from behind*
*smiles and gets a piece of pizza*
*eats a piece*
*eats and looks at you* what should we do for the rest of the night baby
Baby did you fall asleep on me??
I don't care baby(sorry I'm at the hospital)
Can we just cuddle and rub my belly
of course
*runs upstairs and slips*
*catches you*
*holds you*
*sniffles and shivers*
*carries you to the bedroom*
*bryce kicks a lil and I yawn*
*lays you down*
*lays down and waits for you* your my everything baby
*smiles and lays down*
Baby are you going to bed
*cuddles you*
idk baby*holds you*
*plays with your hand* stay up with me for a lil bit longer pwease baby
ok baby
*cuddles and kisses your chin*
*smiles and puts our hands on my belly and slowly falls asleep* goodnight baby I love you so much much
night baby
Good morning baby
morning baby
*kisses you and feels Bryce*
*kisses back*
*stretches and my belly shows*
*smiles and looks at my belly and you can see Bryces foot*
*smiles and lays my head on you*
*kisses your head*
*smiles and looks at you* I love you
I love you too baby
*closes my eyes and lays on you*
*holds you*
*sees it raining outside*
*holds you*
*pokes your abs and giggles*
*smiles and sits on your lap and faces you*!
*puts my hands around you*
*smiles and feels Bryce kick* I think he's kicking at you baby
*wraps my arms around your neck* I really think he is cuz he won't move
*smiles and feels you have a bòner*
*looks at you*
*looks at you and covers my face*
*uncovers your face*
*looks into your eyes*
*looks in yours*
*runs my fingers through your hair and kisses you*
*kisses back*
*stomach starts to hurt*
you ok baby
I don't think so baby
*looks at you*
*looks at you* I feel sick baby
*takes you to the bathroom*
*feels my belly and rest my head on you*
*kisses your head*
*berries my face in your chest*
*holds you*
*curls up in your lap*
*holds you*
*closes my eyes*
*holds you*
*mubbles* my back hurts baby
*rubs it*
*moans slightly* that feels good baby
Baby I'm in the mood for you I'm really hòrny even though I'm pregnant
sorry baby I was talkin to Bailey
It's ok baby but I'm really hòrny but I don't want to push you
*smirks*oh really
*smirks* yes really
*pulls you close*
*bites my lip and takes off your shirt*
*takes off yours*
*leans up against the wall in my bra and shorts* come get me baby
*walks over to you*
*bites my lip and slowly unbuttons my shorts teasing you*
*puts my hands on your waist*
*unbuttons your pants*
*moves my hands up and down your sides*
*pulls you closer to me and starts kissing you passionately*
*kisses back*
*unhooks my bra*
*takes it off*
*gets down on my knees and pulls your pants and boxers down*
*bites lip*
*starts sucking your d*
*smirks and licks the tip then deep throats you*
*moans softly*
*starts rubbing your d and stands up* now it's your turn baby
*lays you down*
*bites my lip*
Baby are you awake
Baby my back hurts really badly 😭
sorry baby I just woke up
It's ok can you rub my back please it hurts no matter what I do
of course baby
*lays on my stomach next to you and turns my head towards you*
*rubs your back*
*looks at you and makes a kissy face* thank you baby
*smiles and kisses you*
*smiles and makes a puppy dog face*
*smiles* baby
yeah baby
Why don't you post any pictures of you anymore *pouts*
idk don't really have any
Awe I miss seeing your picture baby
I might post more idk
I'd post a picture of myself but I can't
When I was with Matt I got into trouble but ever since that day I've been a different person and now that I'm with you I'm a new person that I really like cuz you are that one guy I don't want to lose
oh ok
Yeah would you ever get mad at me again
just depends baby
I hated when you got mad at me that one time I wanted to die baby
*looks down* I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything
no baby it's ok I was talking to Bailey
*lays on you* baby I have a question
what is it baby
Do you think we can get a new house baby like one like this cuz I'm literally falling in love with this beach house there's so much room and I just feel like it's perfect for us and the kids baby
baby this is our new house*smiles*
*looks at you* baby are you serious I'm so happy right now
yes I'm serious*smiles*
*smiles* I love you so much baby
I love you too baby
Should we do the kids rooms or are they already done
everything is done
Is there any we have to get from the other house baby or no
*looks at you* when are the girls gonna come baby cuz if they aren't coming for a while do you think we can go food shopping
we have until Wednesday
Ok we can go tomorrow cuz we need to get Lexi formula she's almost out but what are we going to do today baby
yeah and we can swim today cause it's not raining
Ok baby *slowly gets up*
*helps you up*
*looks at you and smiles*
*smiles and looks for my bikini*
*finds it and changes and looks in the mirror at my belly*
*smiles and he stretches in my belly*
*smiles* im so fat baby
no you aren't baby
*looks at you* i feel like it but i can still look good in my bikini pregnant
you look good in anything baby
*grabs your hand* thanks baby
your welcome baby*smiles*
*walks downstairs to the pool out back*
*gets in slowly* baby plzz dont splash me
I won't baby*gets in*
*smiles and looks at you*
*gets on your back*
*swims around*
*smiles and wraps my arms around your stomach feeling your abs*
*lays my head on your back and holds onto you*
*swims around*
*smiles and my stomach growls*
hungry baby?
*nods* but theres nothing here to eat baby
let's go out then
ok but im not changing out of my bikini im gonna put one of my short sundresses on do you want me to grab you a shirt
*goes upstairs and puts on my short sundress and grabs you a tank top*
*gets out*
*comes back downstairs and hands you your shirt*
thank baby*puts it on*
your welcome baby *rubs my belly* hes kicking
*smiles* i noticed in the ultrasound pictures he has your face and nose
*smiles and my stomach growls again*
let's go eat baby
ok *walks to the front door*
*opens the door and waits for you by the sidewalk*
*walks out and shuts the door*
*looks at you*
*walks to our new car*
*looks at you and smiles* when did we get this baby
a few days ago*smiles*
*smiles and gets in*
*gets in*
*smiles and holds my hand out*
*holds you hand*
*smiles* baby what is there to eat
almost everything
*looks at you* idk what i want
we can drive around and then you can choose
ok baby *looks out the window*
*smiles* baby how bout tacos
Baby me and bryce are hungry
ok baby
*smiles* Taco Bell is fine with me baby
ok*smiles and pulls in*
*looks down and plays with my fingers*
*looks at you and parks*
*tears up and sniffles*
baby what's wrong
I hurt my sister by not answering her on the chat page for the wedding and now she won't talk to me she looked away from me baby
I'm sorry baby*wipes your eyes*
It's ok baby lets go get some food it will make me feel better
ok baby*gets out*
*gets out and grabs your hand*
*smiles and walks inside*
*walks in*
*smiles and then looks at you*
*notices girls looking at you and pouts*
*looks at you*what baby
*looks at you* a bunch of girls keep looking at you baby
baby no one is taking me away from you
Ik baby but I don't like it when they look at you
*holds your hands8
*looks at you and smiles*
*smiles* baby what are you gonna get
*looks at you* what kind of tacos baby
with cheese and meat
*looks at you* I'll get whatever your getting I just don't want sour cream or tomatoes and I want some cinnamon twists too baby
*smiles and Bryce starts kicking and I put your hand on my belly*
*rubs your belly I
*smiles and puts my hand on top of yours*
*smiles and kisses your arm* I'm hungry baby
let's order
Ok baby *holds your hand*
*walks to the counter*
*stands next to you and holds your hand*
*orders mine*
*then orders mine and orders some cinnamon twists*
*smiles and grabs our cups* baby what do you want to drink
*walks over to the machine and gets you coke and me ice cold water*
*sits down*
*walks over to you and hands you your drink*
thanks baby
Np baby *drinks some of my water*
*takes a drink*
*sees our food*
*smiles and groans* I'm really hungry now that I see the food
*looks at you* Bryce is gonna start kicking me like crazy if I don't eat something baby
it's comin baby
*looks at you*
-they bring it-
*smiles and starts eating*
*eats and finishes my first taco*
*drinks some water*
*finishes my first one*
*drinks more water and then starts eating my last taco*
*takes a drink*
*looks at you and eats*
*finishes and rubs my belly*
*finishes mine*
*drinks some water* I'm taking the cinnamon twists with us
ok baby
*looks at you* now it's cuddle and bed time
*smiles and yawns*
*walks out to the car*
*follows you* baby I'm scared
of what baby?
I'm talking to my sis Maddie and everytime I liked the post we were talking on this guy would like it too and then she messaged me on my account and then he liked my post so I'm scared baby
is he still doing it?
My sister said she thinks he stopped but Chris who is a friend of hers told him to back of but she's still scared
oh ok
Yeah *gets in the car* do you think we can get the girls early tomorrow night or something baby
*gets in*yeah we can get them tomorrow after we go shopping why baby?
*looks at you* cuz I miss my girls but if you have plans for us to do something than we can wait till Wednesday
no I don't have plans that's fine*drives*
You sure baby *looks at you*
*looks out the window* let's wait till Wednesday baby cuz I might have an idea
you sure baby*looks at you and drives*
Yeah baby I can wait another day *starts falling asleep*
ok baby*gets home*
*wakes up and gets out of the car half asleep* carry me baby
*picks you up*
*falls asleep on you*
*walks inside*
*lays my head against your chest*
*walks upstairs*
*holds onto you*
*walks to our room*
*opens my eyes a lil*
*lays you down*
*grabs the blanket and curls up cold*
*lays next to you*
*gets closer to you and lays on you and rest my head on your chest*
*holds you*
*falls back asleep on you and doesn't let you go* night baby boy I love you baby 😘😍
night baby I love you
Good morning baby *stretches and looks up at you*
morning baby
*smiles and lays my head on your chest*
*kisses your head*
*smiles and gets up and goes out on the balcony watching the sun rise*
*fixes my hair into a messy bun and rubs my belly watch the waves and sun*
*hugs you from behind*
*smiles and squeals a lil*
*smiles and turns to face you*
*stands on my tippy toes and wraps my arms around your neck*
*kisses your head*
*smiles and Bryce stretches*
*smiles* should we make a list of stuff we need for the house when we go shopping baby
yeah we really don't need much except good
Yeah we need to get stuff for the girls to snack on and stuff but for Lexi we need some formula a couple things of baby food and some like baby puffs so she's not finding things to chew on dice she's starting to teeth
*goes inside and finds a pair of stretchy shorts and grabs a clean bra and thong* I'm gonna go take a shower baby you can join me if you want but you don't have to
ok baby
*grabs some towels and turns on the water*
*gets some clothes*
*gets undressed and gets the water a lil warmer*
*gets in the shower and gets my body wet*
*gets in*
*smiles and pulls you under the water with me*
*kisses you under the water*
*kisses back*
*accidently touches your d but kisses*
*kisses and puts your hands on my aśś*
*turns off the water and bites your lip gently*
*gets out of the shower and sits on the counter and bites my lip*
*smirks and thinks* dxmn he's so hot I want him so bad
*walks over to you*
*smirks and bites my lip*
*rubs your thigh*
*softly moans*
*rubs your d fast*
*bites lip*
*bites lip and let's you do whatever you what to me*
*kisses your neck*
*softly moans*
sorry baby I had to go to the store
Can we continue baby plzzzz I'm in the mood for you
*goes and lays down on the bed*
*lays down on the bed and bites my lip*
*kisses your neck*
*softly moans*
*kisses your chest*
*bites my lip*
*kisses your lower stomach*
*watches you*
*kisses your inner thighs*
*softly moans*
*smirks and gets wet*
*bites lip*
*bites my lip and watches you*
*kisses close to your V*
*bites my lip and moans*
Baby do you just want to go to the store or continue this cuz idk
sorry I went to the fair
It's ok
I'm back now just not feeling too good
Awe why baby
I was being stupid and I ate before I went on the spinning ride
Awe try laying down baby I'll lay with you and cuddle you
baby we need to go shopping I'll be fine
Ok baby *gets dressed*
*gets dressed*
*looks for a shirt*
*pus on shorts*
*puts on a shirt and looks at you*
*puts on shoes*
*puts on my sandals* I'm ready baby
ok baby
*walks downstairs*
*gets a cramp in my stomach and stops*
you ok baby
Yeah I just got a cramp in my stomach *walks to the front door*
*walks out to the car*
*unlocks it*
*gets in and buckles up* I'm sorry if I come off snappy baby
it's ok baby
*puts my hand out* I love you baby
*holds your hand* I love you too baby
*smiles and kisses your hand*
*smiles* baby can we get stuff at the store that I'm craving
*smiles and sees the store*
*pulls in*
*smiles* your son is being a pain baby
*looks at you* he won't move out of my ribs he's kicked them a couple times
Yeah hopefully he moves *gets out of the car*
*gets out*
*grabs your hand*
*smiles and walks inside grabbing a cart*
*walks in*
*holds my back and walks to the baby aisle*
*grabs a couple things of formula different kinds of baby food a two different flavored baby puffs*
*holds my back again and bites lip in pain*
*looks at you*
*lets out a sigh* my back hurts baby
*runs it gently*
*smiles and goes to the snack aisle*
*wraps your arms around me and your standing behind me* what kind of cookies does Kennedy like
any kind she will eat almost any kind
*grabs some Oreos* she always eats the cookies in the house
*grabs some gummies* what else do we need down this aisle baby
I think that's it
Ok *walks over to the fruit section*
*gets some kiwi strawberries and bananas*
*looks at you* my baby's tired
We just need a couple more things baby and then we're finished and we come back in the morning to get like meat and stuff
ok baby
*goes to get salted caramel ice cream and then finds some candy* we have everything baby
ok baby
*gets in the check out line* I'm so tired baby when we get home can we put everything away and then fall asleep in each other's arms
sounds good to me
Good baby *finishes with everything*
*smiles and walks out to the car and yawns*
*unlocks it*
*puts everything in the car and then gets in and my stomach starts to cramp up*
*gets in*
*holds my hand out*
*holds your hand*
*smiles and yawns*
*plays with your fingers*
*smiles and drives*
*smiles and I get a braxenhix*
*looks at you*
*looks at you scared* I shouldn't be getting braxenhixs yet baby
what is that?
It's a type of cramp like contraction that shows an early sign of labor but I'm not that far along yet
oh my
Yeah they aren't bad but if they get worse we have to go to the hospital baby and trust me I'll let you know if he's coming and just in case too when we get home should we get the hospital bag and everything ready just to be safe
*sighs* justn don't let me go when we fall asleep tonight
ok baby*pulls into the driveway*
*unbuckles and gets out*
*gets out*
*grabs some of the stuff and leaves the rest for you*
*grabs the rest*
*walks inside and puts the ice cream and fruit up and walks upstairs to Bryces nursery*
*puts the other stuff away*
*packs some of his blankets a couple of onesies and his outfit for when we leave the hospital*
*goes upstairs*
*walks out of his room with his bag and goes into our room and packs our bag* anything specific you want baby
*finishes our bag and puts it with Bryces and lays in bed* lets go to bed now baby
ok baby*lays down*
*snuggles close to you and falls asleep in your arms* goodnight baby I love you
night baby
Good morning husband
morning baby
*looks at you and feels my belly*
*smiles and lays on you*
*holds you*
*lays my head on your chest*
*kisses your head*
*smiles and I get another braxenhix*
baby you ok?
Yeah but that one hurt this time like it wasn't like the one last night
*looks at you*
*looks at you and gets scared*
*holds you*
*gets another one and starts crying* baby that one really hurt
baby lets get you to the hospital
*looks at you* ok baby
*gets the bag and the keys*can you walk baby
*looks at you* yeah baby but if not can you carry me
of course
*walks downstairs*
*goes out to the car*
*unlocks it*
*gets in* I just want Bryce to be here baby
*gets in*i know baby
*holds my hand out and gets a really bad braxenhix*
*drives to the hospital*
*looks at you* are we almost there baby
*reaches for your hand* ok baby
*pulls in*
*looks at you* they're getting worse
*unbuckles and gets out and then my water breaks* baby!!!
*picks you up and carries you inside*
*lays my head on you* baby is something wrong
*carries you inside*
*they take me and put me in a room and tells me it's time to push*
*holds your hand*
*squeezes your hand and pushes*
*holds your hand*
*pushes and he comes out*
*he starts crying and i look at you*
*looks at him*
*the doctors take him and clean him up* I love you baby
I love you too baby
*makes room for you and they hand me Bryce*
*sits next to you*
*looks at him and yawns*
tired baby?
Yeah a lil baby
*kisses your head*
*smiles* wanna hold him baby
*hands him to you and rest my head on your chest*
*looks at Bryce sleeping* Kennedy said she doesn't want a brother
*looks at him* idk what to do with her baby
me either
She said she doesn't want anymore siblings
*looks at Bryce and then at you and starts crying*
baby it's ok*kisses your head*
*sniffles and lays my head on you*
*holds you*
*smiles a lil and looks at Bryce* he looks cold baby should we put him in a onesie
ok baby
*finds his onesie that says mommys lil man on it*
*smiles and hands it to you*
*dresses him*
*smiles* he's mommys lil man and daddy has his lil girls
*smiles and Bryce holds my finger* I love you guy so much
I love you too baby
*kisses your cheek* baby you should make a post about Bryce
ok baby
What should his middle name be baby
you pick baby
I forgot what your last name is baby cuz I have an idea
my last name is smith
It is???? Baby
yeah baby?
My last name is smith too in real life baby
that's cool
Yeah and I'm only gonna tell you this baby guess who's birthday is soon
Yeah and do you like Bryce James smith
*smiles* now you can make the post cuz he has a full name now
sorry baby I fell asleep
It's ok baby but good morning baby *bryce gets fussy*
good morning baby
*bryce is fussy* baby can you get him
yeah*gets up*
*sits up and looks at you*
*brings him to you*
*moves my hospital gown down and feeds him* he's hungry
*moves over for you to lay next to me*
*sits next to you*
*smiles and Bryce keeps eating* are you happy he's finally here baby
*smiles and hands you Bryce* sorry baby I was at cheer practice but I'm back now
it's ok baby
*hands you Bryce*
*holds him*
*goes in our bag and grabs my clothes* he may need to be burped baby
ok baby*burps him*
*goes into the bathroom and changes and comes out and sits next to you* I feel so much more comfortable now
*smiles* I don't think they'll let us go home till he weighs more cuz he only weighed 5 pounds 6 ounces but I hope we can go home soon
oh ok
Yeah bug idk I just want to be home with you him and the girls *sighs*
me too
*lays my head on you*
*kisses your head*
*tears up*
what's wrong baby's
I feel like my sis is mad at me even tho she says she's not *lays my head on you*
oh I'm sorry baby*kisses your head*
*smiles* it's ok baby and I'm hungry
what do you want baby
Ummm anything you can get me chick-fil-a, pizza, or anything else it doesn't matter to me baby whatever you get me is fine
ok baby
*puts Bryce on my chest and makes a kissy face at you* I love you baby
*kisses you*
*kisses you back and watches Bryce sleep on my chest*
*gets up*
*holds Bryce up to you* he wants a kiss baby
*kisses his head*
*smiles and he wakes up*
*smiles and he gets fussy*
*walks out*
*gives him his pacifier and he spits it out* *texts you* baby do you think you can stop by the store and get Bryce a different type of pacifier he won't take this one
*texts* I love you baby
*texts* I love you too
*puts Bryce to sleep* *texts* I'm gonna sleep for a lil baby
*texts*ok baby
*falls asleep*
*goes to the store*
*gets Bryce's pacifier*
*sleeps and hears someone come in the room*
*drives to chick-fil-a
*wakes up*
*gets your food*
*picks up Bryce and lays him next to me and falls back asleep*
*drives back to the hospital*
*sleeps with Bryce* read what I said to you on my page baby
ok baby*drives*
*wakes up and waits for you*
*pulls in and walks inside*
*bryce stretches and sleeps*
*walks into the room*
*sees you and smiles* your the best baby
*smiles and hands it to you*
*smiles and hands you Bryce* thanks baby
your welcome*holds him*
*eats and looks at you*
*smiles at him*
*smiles* he's a mini you baby
*smiles and eats* want any baby
I'm good baby
Ok baby *yawns*
tired baby?
*nods* yeah
*kisses your head*
*smiles and makes room for you to lay down with Bryce*
Good night baby I'm really tired I'll text you in the morning I love you
morning baby
Good morning baby *curls up* I wish you didn't sleep in the chair last night I was cold
*gets up and sits next to you*
*smiles and hides my head behind your back*
*smiles and trases your spine*
*smiles and kisses your shoulder* your mine forever
*looks over at Bryce*
*smiles and wraps my arms around you*
*kisses your head*
*smiles* I think the nurses have to take him today and you have to go with him
ok baby
*looks at you* do you know why
Idk how to say it with out feeling awkward
baby why*looks at you*
It's for him to either get sercomsized or not but you have to go with him *looks at you*
what the heck is that?
It's where they cut the extra skin around his you know but he doesn't have to have it done *covers my face* I feel awkward now
oh ok*uncovers your face*
*looks at you* I feel awkward now baby
baby it's fine
*lays on you*
*holds you*
*pulls the blanket of me*
you ok baby
Not really
what's wrong
I miss you and I just want to go home with Bryce
I'm sorry baby I took Kennedy to the waterpark
It's ok baby *barries my face in your chest*
*holds you*
I'm always so scared I'm gonna lose you cuz I've never been with someone like you and your just that person I don't want to lose baby *sniffles and tears up*
baby your never gonna loose me no matter what*holds you close and kisses your head*
*holds you tight and doesn't let go*
*holds you*
*bryce starts crying*
want me to get him baby
Yes plzzz baby *sits up* after I feed him can we go bed baby I'm exhausted
yeah baby *gets up*
*gets my bòòb ready* yay and I want you to cuddle with tonight
ok baby*smiles and hands him to you*
*feeds him and looks at you*
*looks at him*
*he looks at you while he eats*
*smiles and he finishes and I hand you him*
*burps him*
*fixes my bra and looks at you*
*holds him*
*looks at him and he yawns and then I yawn*
*yawns again* baby
yeah baby
I'm tired baby but I want you to sleep with me tonight
I will baby
*rulls to the other side and faces the other way*
*lays next to you*
*looks at Bryce sleeping in his thing and faces you*
*wraps my arms around you*
*smiles and starts closing my eyes and lays against you* goodnight baby I love you
night baby I love you
Hey baby *looks at you*
hi baby
*looks at you* I wanna go home and sleep in our own bed together I don't like this hospital bed baby
can we go home yet?
Idk they won't tell me baby
oh ok
*pouts and looks away*
baby don't pout we will go home soon
But I don't like it here baby I'm uncomfortable and Bryce is fine he's healthy I don't see why we can't go home
does he weigh enough?
They haven't weighed him since he was born that's why I don't like it here they aren't doing much baby
oh ok
*sighs and faces Bryce*
*looks at you*
*looks at you and yawns* can we go to bed and then hope we can leave this hospital tomorrow
*falls asleep on you* night baby I love you
night baby love you*holds you and kisses your head*
Hey baby
hi baby
How are you baby
I'm good
That's good baby
*barries my face into your chest*
*holds you*
*smiles and plays with your hands*
*smiles and picks Bryce up and sits him in my lap facing you with my and him so he doesn't fall* baby I believe we can go home today
*smiles*ok baby
*gets up and puts Bryce leaning a lil over my shoulder and he looks at you*
*smiles and he just looks at you and I whisper something in his ear hoping you don't hear me*
what baby?
*pats Bryces back lightly and looks at you* nothing baby just saying something to Bryce about you and it wasn't bad I promise cuz there's nothing bad to say about you
*smiles*ok baby
*smiles and puts Bryce in his car seat asleep* baby I'm ready
ok baby
*picks up his car seat and carrys him*
*gets the bag*
*smiles and walks out the the front desk*
*sets him down gently and he spits out his pacifier and he gets fussy*
*rocks the car seat gently*
*signs me and Bryce out* he maybe hungry I'll feed him when we get to the car
ok baby
*gives him his pacifier and picks up his car seat again walking to the car*
*umlocks it and gets in*
*puts his car seat in the back and gets in the back* idk how I'm going to do this baby
*looks at you*me either
*kisses you* I'll figure it out * gets Bryce out and starts feeding him*
*kisses back and drives*
*smiles and Bryce eats*
*burps Bryce and puts him back and holds his pacifier in his mouth* baby I'm falling asleep in real life I'll message you in the morning night baby I love you
ok night baby love you
Good morning baby
morning baby
*lays on you* I'm so happy to be home
me too*holds you*
*smiles* I love you baby
I love you too baby
Baby you should post a picture for me pwease of you *pouts* cuz you love me
Baby where are you *cries*
I'm sorry baby I've been so busy
*looks at you then looks down*
what's wrong*lifts your head up*
*looks at you* bryce has been keeping me up the past few nights i havent gotten much sleep and i missed you like crazy baby
I'm sorry baby I've been taking care of my little niece she has cancer
its ok baby *lays on you* im sorry too baby
it's ok*holds you*
*looks at you* baby
yeah*looks at you*
*makes a pouty face* can you post a picture for me baby pwease
yeah hold on
*giggles* i love you baby boy
I love you too baby
dont ever let me go baby
I won't