I want to sleep


tap I want to sleep

33 0
I'm definitely not ready
that's awesome, happy to hear it ;)
cool cool I'm jelly I love cars but my dads allergic and my mom hates them
thanks my dude
ok well on insta i read something, (and IDK) and it was in someone caption, they said that "oh the rumors aren't true, dan and phil wouldn't just do this for money(youtube). and all the comments were saying how the dms(?) were real and this was all to be famous?? idk😂
favorite movie is probably fantastic beasts or ant man or toy story 3 or any other marvel or Pixar movie
helpful right
and favorite show is parks and rec/community/stranger things
I ship things way too easily but my main ships are Lams obviously, Jeffmads, Lin and Groff, and probably other things I can't think of