he makes me happy💘💫


he makes me happy💘💫

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hey Cat sorry but I think we should just be friends
of course you broke my heart again...congrats
we don't talk that much and you never posted that you were on the account and you never posted that we were dating
well I'm sorry I forgot to post it...byeeee don't talk to me againnn😒
wait cat please can we talk about this
talk about what?..you already broke up with me
what does that matter we could still talk about
well what do you wanna talk about...btw you said you would never leave me..that was obviously a lie..and you broke up with me because I wasn't on and I didn't post that we were dating..really..
well sorry that it hurts not to be with you and to feel unloved *tears up*
😢that's how I feel right now..you told me that but you didn't keep that promise*cries*
I tried to keep that promise it's kinda hard when the person that you have loved for god knows how long is never on
I said I'm sorry...just forget about it*cries and walks away*
Cat please *runs after you*
*keeps walking and wipes my tears*
*stops you and wipes your tears*
*looks at you then looks the other way and tears roll down my face*
*takes off my shirt and wipes up your tears* Cat please don't cry you were the best girlfriend I had ever had
*keeps looking away and keeps crying*yeah I was...
*looks down* I know you hate me now but I love you
*sits on the floor and looks down and plays with the rocks*
*sits next to you* remember when we would go to the park almost everyday
yeah and then on our first date we were acting like we were penguins when we slide down the slide*plays with rocks*
*laughs* I want us to be like that again
*giggles quietly and throws rocks*
*smiles and looks at you*
*plays with the rocks and throws more*
*kisses your cheek*
*blushes softly*
I'm sorry for being a meanie
it's okay I'm sorry for being a bxtch
you weren't and don't say bad words *laughs and looks at you*
*giggles*i guess I'm a bad girl
yes you are *laughs*
noooo cat good girl*giggles*
cat bad girl *laughs*
cat good girl*giggles*cat doesn't want a punishment
cat needs one, cat said bad word *smiles*
noooo*pouts and smiles*
*thinks* what should cats punishment be
*plays with my shoes*
you pick bad girl *laughs*
nooo cat good girl*giggles and climbs in your lap*
no cat bad girl *holds you and looks down at you*
no cat good girl*wraps legs around you*
bad Cat *pouts*
good cat*kisses your pout*
bad cat *tries to keep my pout*
good cat*kisses your neck*
fine good cat *kisses you hard*
yayyy*kisses back hard*
*kisses down your neck*
*moans softly*
*stops and smiles*
*smiles and bits lip softly*
*looks at you and puts back on my shirt*
*climbs off your lap*
*stands up and winks* bad cat
*stands up with you*nooo good cat
*laughs* bad cat
*laughs*noo bad Camden
Camden not bad Camden good *laughs*
Noo bad boy Camden*giggles*
Camden not bad boy *laughs
Camden bad boy*laughs
*pouts* Camden not
*kisses the pout*
*kisses you back* Camden not bad
fineeee*pouts*cat no bad
fine cat good and Camden good *smiles*
*kisses you* Cat can I ask you something
*kisses back*sure
are you a virgin *looks at you*
no because I did it with you*looks at you*
oh that's right *laughs* I forgot to bad you didn't get pregnant
*laughs and looks down at my stomach*yeah no babies*pouts*
*laughs* you would be a hot Mami
*giggles*nooo I wouldn't
yes you would *kisses your cheek*
no I wouldnt*blushes*
Yes!! *kisses your neck*
Noo!*trys not to moan*
*sucks on your neck leaving hickeys* don't argue bad Cat!
*moans softly*nooo good cat!
you argue so bad Cat *takes off my shirt*
Nooo I don't you argue bad!
*kisses you and hugs you tight* your beautiful but I have to go to bed, goodnight hot Mami❤️😂
*kisses back and hugs back tightly*goodnight😂❤️
never mind I can't sleep anyway I'll just be up thinking about my Mami❤️
❤️I'll be thinking about my daddy
can we still talk *picks you up*
sure*smiles and wraps legs around you*
your so hot and sexy *kisses your neck*
*blushes and try's not to moan*
*lays you down on the couch and kisses you*
*kisses back and lays there*
*takes off your shirt and kisses your collarbone*
*moans and bits lip*
*kisses you and unbuttons your shorts*
*kisses back*are you sure you want to do this
I'm positive *smiles and pulls them off*
okay*smiles and blushes*
*takes off my shorts and french kisses you*
*french kisses back and wraps my legs around you*
*unclips your bra and kisses hard*
*kisses back hard*
*kisses your bööbs*
*moans softly*
*takes off my boxers slowly*
*lays there and looks up at the ceiling*
*takes off your panties and smirks*
are you gonna use protection?
nah I'm good *laughs and kisses you*
*laughs and kisses back*
*slowly slides my dîck into your pûssy*
*moans softly*
*thrusts in and out fast going deeper each time*
*moans a bit louder*
*kisses your stomach and goes in and out really fast
*moans louder*
*goes in and out faster and moans a little*
*moans loud*
*slowly pulls out and kisses you hard*
*moan softly and kisses back
I love my Mami❤️🔥
I love you too daddy❤️🔥
*french kisses you*
*french kisses back and smiles*
*pulls you close to me*
what do you wanna do now *laughs*
*laughs and puts my clothes back on*i don't know
*puts my boxers and shorts on* it's up to you
*smiles* okay but I'm not gonna wear a shirt
okay*smiles and walks outside*
*follows you out*
*starts walking*
*walks beside you* so are we dating again
*skips*well I might be pregnant but I guess that's up to you
*smiles* I Hope you are
*keeps skipping and smiles*
*walks beside you*
*runs and gets on the swings*
*giggles and runs after you*
*swings* weeee!!!!
*giggles and swings*