jenna is stunning

I think I’m gonna buy some castor oil for my eyebrows?? I’ve always hated how thin they are like there’s really no color to them, I draw them in myself all the time. Like i was looking at pictures of jenna and like hers are naturally th


jenna is stunning I think I’m gonna buy some castor oil for my eyebrows?? I’ve always hated how thin they are like there’s really no color to them, I draw them in myself all the time. Like i was looking at pictures of jenna and like hers are naturally th

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jenna is stunning I think I’m gonna buy some castor oil for my eyebrows?? I’ve always hated how thin they are like there’s really no color to them, I draw them in myself all the time. Like i was looking at pictures of jenna and like hers are naturally this dark and thick and so are a lot of people’s??? Mine aren’t like that at all. I heard castor oil helps so I might do that
and it’s not because I’ve ever over plucked them or anything (I haven’t) it’s just that they’re naturally very light in color and thin.
I heard coconut oil is vv good,, I used it for a little time and it actually worked
ooh lmk how it works bc i might wanna try it too