Forgive me father, for I have sinned


Forgive me father, for I have sinned

61 3
your hylla? stop being mean to pixie_user. stop or your getting reported
I have no idea what you're talking about and I haven't done anything wrong so go ahead and report me
i know its you bxtch
you hacked my PC friend
its just how your responding tonme
because you said u did
sometime today
I'm sooooo sorry
um...she is not hylla and I know that as a fact. don't frame someone for doing nothing. I'm sorry to come off so violent, but you need to giver facts that support it and not just "I know it's you bxtch"
^thank you!
It's an abortion comic thinger about all of the support for animal lives but the lack of support for child life 👍 And last time I posted something pro life, a person got really offended when I was just trying to state my opinion, so that's what the caption is about; I love to share opinions with others and listen to their own opinions, I just hate it when I can't post something that's not even rude and someone gets bûtt hurt, you know??¿?
I finished your poem! it's on my post! :3