Please ask questions!


Please ask questions!

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Age? (for some reason I always ask this question)
also, what's your favorite fandom that you're in?
ICON GOALS 🙌🏻 okay, what are your thoughts on Sebastian Verlac?
Have you heard of the play Hamilton?
what is the worst movie you've ever seen?
fav color?
your hair color?
what do u think of giraffes?
can u watch Amazing Dan and tell us your thoughts?
Favorite fandom?
ugh I'm so sorry, I'm getting my iPad back tomorrow I think idek why he's keeping it so long but yeah, sorry!
how ur PC idol
who is your favourite character from Teen Wolf?
would you kiss a frog to find your sole mate?
would you rather be a unicorn or a mermaid?
yep anyone who had an interview
Favorite Fandom?
fav song and who sings it?
whose your celeb crush?