Cool emojis


Cool emojis

3 0
1:love the dabbing emoji!2:see you tonight! 3:wish me good luck 4:Brooke, grace, Peyton,Ava,Nina,Anna,Mia,and everyone else is SUPER excited to see you!!!!!(including me!) 5:I will have your gummy bear with me!
is your fav song still my house?
no. but I do like my house tho
just asking! mine is still YOUTH! what is your fav song then? and for the collab do you want to make the backroad or add the words?
I don't care. I don't have a fave song now but I will think.
okay I'll make the background! what's the theme tho? Harry Potter? Taylor Swift? what should we do?!
do Taylor swift
u can't tell anybody about what I told earlier ok
hey girl hey
hey girl hey