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no don't leave!!
no it had to do with an RP, I got him really mad....and .....I'm crying I can't see the keyboard
((I'm crying like a FREAKEN baby rn
((but I saw the conversation on one of my collages, about BIPPY wanted to kill me...and....I feel bad....I feel like .....I feel very bad)
((yeah....I take something more seriously cause all the social medias, I or someone else has gotten hu, I was actually afraid on coming on here, I feel like a pain spreading disease sometimes)
really?! I didn't think anyone would be so happy I joined this, but why???
WHAT?! I've never been an idol to anyone, that's just how I am!! I always like new people, unless they act like big jerks first thing ya know
can you be public again, please ;-;
PLEASE I LOOK FORWARD TO IT's the first thing I check every morning!!
can both of you stay please? I don't know if you guys feel the same way or not but your pretty much my best friends.. ya, like you guys. you two and Pacifica. I'm serious all of my other friends moved away today like Wendy and dipper and I don't think I can handle loosing 2 more, so please stay! *virtual group hug* and your like my favorite PC people out there and I know a Lot of people feel the same way, you guys gotta lot of fans and seeing you leave would suck! (this is Mabel btw)
Ask Bipper is like my mythical morning (rhettandlink reference XP) Bipper: dude come back, we miss you Alty! viper: yeah, I actually kinda miss....him....*grumbles*
Mabel- YAY!!! BIPPYS COMING BACK! *happy dances* WOO HOO!!!
(omg good mythical morning? yas)
(and same first thing I do in the morning is check PC)
(yep, I'm gonna try to get PC iPad version on my android phone tomorrow)
viper: yeah yeah yeah....Bipper: HUG TIME!!
Bipper: I DO!! Viper: you okay, but cipher boy is better.....Bipper: aw come on , admit it!! Viper: okay okay, for you, Iron man is kinda...*mumbles: cute...*
((I won't)) Viper: *grumbles* Bipper: he's so happy!!
Bipper giggles and smiles Viper taps his foot...
Viper: nothing.....*grumbles*
Viper: It's nothing..*pouts* I'm just a bit...irritated today
Viper: I AM NOT!! *blushes* I'm.....I'm getting....crav....Never mind..
Viper: it's pervy stuff *looks at CF Bipper and bites lip*
Viper: I get cravings!! there!
viper blushes... Viper: it's not like I mean too..
Viper walks outside, bites his lip and bangs his head against the wall...not noticing you
Viper: ugh *is talk to self* I swear loving him is gonna be my down fall (how about u just listen in on this)
Viper: I have dream about's killing he's....he's gonna end me...or hurt me in some way....
viper: what if....he does.....what will I will I react.....*starts to cry* what if....I kill him...for revenge....what if I get so angry, that....other me....comes and kills him....I...I couldn't live with that......just calm down you have cupcakes in the kitchen! that'll cheer ya up, always cooking something for hi. always cheers you up!! *gets up, and starts walking towards the corner your hiding at*
Viper looks over and levitates you up and heals you, and helps you back on the ground
Viper: did you hear me?.... *blushes looks worried af*
Viper: WHAT oh god oh god *starts to cry*
(u probably fell asleep now)
Viper: please don't tell cipher boy.....Please...ill..ill make you my four layer caramel delight!!!, it has a nice yummy caramel layer!! and chocolate and vanilla pudding and graham cracker crush and whipped cream and
Viper: okay....but I can cook.....just to let u know
Viper: The clone died, so BIPPY fresh is gone....unless cipher boy eats more smile dip...
viper: oh no...uhh *shoves a mouth full of his four layer delight which over powers the smile dip!!*
Viper moistens it more, and helps you swallow Viper: sorry, here's another plate
Viper: but he didn't really taste it.....*frowns* and it's my best can't go to waste....OH CIPHER BOY, WHAT SOME FOU- Bipper: YOU DONT EVEN HAVE TO FINISH!!! *runs and grabs plate and eats the dessert slowly, only dessert he eats slow it's so good*