I hope you read this @-MYSTIFIED-


I hope you read this @-MYSTIFIED-

121 0
this is one reason why you're my idol; YOU CAN MAKE A PERSON CRY OF HAPPINESS and you give us all hope when we need it most
wow....that is moving. tbh I almost started crying while reading this. so inspiring and motivational anyone who has stuff going on in their lives, I've been there and I know how it feels, and it's really hard. but yeah, this is the reason why I love you so much 😭😭😻💖
@xx_inspiring_xx, Thank you so much! ✨ I didn't really think that my sleeves did so much to help people! 💕
Awww that's cute.💕
I'm gonna make sure she reads this 😊👌🏻💙