Wow. 17,000. I am mind blown. This is a huge moment for me. Thank you, everyone. β€οΈπŸ˜­πŸ™ˆ


Wow. 17,000. I am mind blown. This is a huge moment for me. Thank you, everyone. β€οΈπŸ˜­πŸ™ˆ

132 1
woah this is awesome!! congrats!! you are still my favorite collager and you deserve even more than this❀️
Congrats! You totally deserve this more than anyone! you're one of my faves! β€οΈπŸ‘
CONGRATS!!! you totally deserve everything because you are so talented and inspiring in every way!
yay! congrats! you deserve every single one of your followers, and many many more!✨
CONGRATULATIONS! Honestly, I can't think of many people who deserve this as you.πŸŽ‰*throws confetti in the air*πŸŽ‰
Congrats! You deserve it! ❀️
Congrats you deserve it!
thank you!! and the same to you
AH CONGRATS!! You deserve it!
So I liked this earlier and I never read it until just now (I know, I'm turning into THAT kind of person). YOU MENTIONED ME! 😱 I'm so happy for you! I remember when I first found your account and I was so jealous of your skills. You deserved every single comment and I am beyond happy that you actually remember that. I haven't been a good follower lately though, I hardly ever comment anymore 😞. And while I really don't know what I'm trying to say here, I really am happy for you! You deserve this so much!
And now I'm literally about to cry because I miss everything. I can't see a majority of the comments I left before. I lost my account and everything changed. I loved how things were back then. I feel like I was a better person than I am now. I was closer to everyone. Oh, the memories. πŸ’•