


10 8
I might join a webox with someone would you like to join
oh sure lol
I sent email btw
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hey do you,Zachary and quinten wanna zoom
who’s making it
he did
do you need the code or pass
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I’m not if you want I can join
I know I’m in
are you on the zoom again
I’m not going on zoom with him again Bc I’m done with everything he does
he thinks I’m stupid well I’m not 🙄
yeah sometimes I wish I could reverse time
things would be a lot better
I don’t have time to deal with him anymore
I’m so sry
you didn’t do anything wrong he knows I don’t like him changing my name and instead of leaving and not saying anything I asked him to stop and he wouldn’t so I’m done talking to him
no it’s my fault I shouldn’t of told him I dated you I’m so sry now
🤨 dude he shouldn’t be acting the way he is. I’m younger than him and he is acting like a two year old
i have to fix this
uhh? it doesn’t matter what you do I’m not talking to him anymore Bc what he says is stupid and I’m over it so stop feeling bad it’s his fault
he knows I h8 the things he says and he does it anyway so he can get over having me as a friend Bc I’m done
look in remixs