

7 0
you deserve it
I love you so much and all of the things I said are true
100% anytime of day, no matter what
no, I don't sorry😕
I might get one tho
It's Suvi, it's weird I know, but it means Summer in Finnish
What's yours?
i remember you telling me that
im hanna :)
so are you from finland?
yeah, what's your name?
no but my dad is
Hanna is a nice name
no, but the thing is that I'm using PicCollage on my iPad and I don't have my texting set up
could we just comment on here? if that works, I'm getting my phone soon tho
I'm in 7th, what about you?
my moms really overprotective about social media and stuff so
what grade are you in? 8th?
that's cool, I'm in a science class for pre ap 8th graders
it's all cool here
I'm in all ap
it's not that bad, I just have no life so that makes it a little easier😂😂
My mom was in all honors and ap so I'm kind expected to
be in those classes
it's not hard for me because I'm just used to pushing myself academically
sometimes tho people at school are rude, like saying stuff as a joke that actually really mean
like 11 what about you?