Sorry for not posting! Thought I'd do something grunge-like but without a negative quote bc I've had such a good weekend! How have you guys been??


Sorry for not posting! Thought I'd do something grunge-like but without a negative quote bc I've had such a good weekend! How have you guys been??

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this is great! also thanks! 👌🤓
it's very aesthetic, welcome back, friend. you totally missed me getting mad over all the stupid questions people asked about my orientation. 💯
*sigh* little kids who can't handle lgbtqipa and bad words suck...I'm fine. I kinda feel a little great cuz I figured out more about myself and ranted my brains out so much Sonny (read the tag) packed his bags and left me. 😂 I've been trying to break my obsession. yeah...for you, it's good to know this stuff because in this generation, many people you meet will be lgbtqipa.
for the tag, all you have to do is talk about what you like and hate about yourself.
yeah...(Cosmo is such a cool name) apparently the hottest guy on the planet is Sonny because I came up with him. 😂 the day just went for a bad turn. it sucks how I can't tell even my family about my beliefs on life and even my orientation.
they do, but apparently it's already a stressful time, and coming out won't help. they'll be like, "it just a phase, hunny" and they don't understand the true meaning of feminist. but the punk part they understand. and they're fine with me obsessing over *scream* Skrillex. and there are a number of things that I will defend to the death, but they don't see why I even bother,
Sonny has gone to bed, 😏. (sorry. weird how Skrillex's name is Sonny too) yeah...I think maybe I should talk to them when I'm ready. they're keep telling me all I do is sit in my room, listen to EDM, and kill characters. I'm colder and more distant. I'm probably gonna tell them one thing at a time. starting next month...hopefully this doesn't go wrong.
I love this
Can i copy this collage? I promise I'll make it my own style and give credit. Love your account babe! 🌙 -S