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ok I won't πŸ˜ͺ😰 but what if they post something really bad
I promise I will let you know!!πŸ˜•πŸ˜•
thanks for all your support
or you can just comment on their collage and tell them to stop, if they don't block or report them. plus the person doesn't even have followers and She likes her own collages
I just saw the hate page and I'm so sorry this sucks! know that I just found your account and I think it's great 😊 maybe try talking to the person? (idk if you've done that already?) anyway, but if they're still unreasonable, just know that you're awesome and don't let them them get you down!
what's it called I really want to give them a price of my mind😑
I try to comment but I can't because I blocked them
don't worry. just gave them them a peice of my mind
Don't worry that person who controls your hatepage is a stupid fudging idiot and your a beautiful girl who we all adore. Is there a difference,I think yes.
who does?
Your hatepage followed me and said my collage was nice...
probably to get you on there side but your collages are wonderful so
don't worry it's okay just don't think about it and think about all of the good things that happen to you and you'll feel betterπŸ’–
I blocks em
that's so mean