Who wants to talk


Who wants to talk

10 1
hey I'm so bored
hey 😘
hey can we talk later plz
yeah we can talk and hey
good hru
oh I had science like an hour ago 😂😂
yeah but I mean only for a little though
bc it's almost the end
😂😂 sry it's just that I go to school at 7:15
I meant am
u r lucky I used to go at 9:00 but not any more
bc of my schedule and cheer and football and track
chicken 😂😂
is his name Kyle by any chance
yeah I'm back on sooo
well I'm on the bleachers waiting for them to call me to play
no I'm just waiting to practice
yeah I'm just waiting to talk to jack I gotta ask him something
nah ur fine
no u r not annoying do I wanna no what I am going to ask him 😏
so I am going to ask him out or he is probably going to ask me out bc he likes meh 😃😆😊😉🙃
but I'm worried he is gonna say no
14 and I think he is 14 or 15 so Im good
ok I will tell u what he says
ok but I'm really scared to ask him 😰
I can't I accidentally blocked him
can u ask him to tell jack if he is going to ask me out plz 🙃
what 😕
what Cody nows who I am
and bye
nop not yet
hey did u ask Cody yet 😏
o ok
hey 👋🏻 people are being jerks to Cody he's going to delete his account
no 😭😭😭😭😰
hey 👋🏻 and he decided not too
ok soooo
hey what did you want to ask me
nvm it's not like u would ever ask me