Collage by sierraaaaaa


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Lol yesss babe nothin wrong wit some thin that small
Fxck babe honestly u have been on my mind all fxcking day lol
god lol yea honesltyy fxcking cramps woke me up like wanting to cry they hurt like hełl just kinda wishin u were here so we can cuddle and shït tbh :/ yea kinda happy kinda pïssed about that
Lol so y u happy like its killer cramps
cuz it means I’m not pregnant
feel like I’m dying and we can’t do shït nxt week buuuut it works
Oh yea forgot about that lol and if we cant do sshhiitt owell we can just cuddle on the couch
lol okay... I’ll probs get a lil touchy tbh but I mean yea oml
I’m so tired rn it hurts god
Yea i bet and if u get touchy owell no ones home lol
lol yea wut I kinda figured
but like okay cramps sooo bad this morning work ummm up at 6 and feel asleep again at 8 until Megan came in the house at like 10:30
Dam that scuks babe if i was there i would try to help
if u were here I’d b all lovey and just wanna cuddle and sleep tbh 😂 I’m kinda tempted to go walk for awhile rn cuz it kinda helps but at the same time I dunno have no where to go so
Or just cuddle and keep u company
Lol yea babe i mean i cant go any where
figureddd yea I dunno I just feel like I’m dyinggggg
Yea thats how it usally goes
Lol sorry babe
omg baaaaaaabe
What babe
there’s a bunny
it’s so cute
Lol yea
I wanna cuddle the bunny
Im guessing u want a bunny know
Well fxck i need to find a bunny for sale
wellll this bunny is just super fluffy and cute... the bunny we got rid of was a bunny from hełl like she tried to eat ppl 😂
Lol so i need to find a fluffy bunny
😊😊 I think I have a fluffy animal problem
literally anything fluffy I wanna cuddle like no joke 😂
Lol ok ill find some thing fluffy
lolll 😊
my literal current mood is to cuddle in a couch with blankets and watch movies no fxcking joke lol
plus I miss u soo I mean would b perfect rn
Same babe maybe somthing romantic
Or just fall asleep
lol yea like turn a movie on, make out a bit maybe then sleeeep...
ummm brb I done fxcked up
Yea i would enjoy that
Lol ok
wellll that wasn’t smart at all 😂
Lol what did u do
ummm kicked over a bowl of beads by accident 😂 like clear beads that fxcking sucked 😂
welll now that that’s over goddd
Lol yee
god baaaabe I rly wish we could cuddle rn like just fxck
Yea same babe
if u can’t already tell I’m back in that fxcking lovey aśssss mood like I’d probs get annoying if I were with u rn lol
Lol nah babe i wouldnt get annoyed
lol okay well I mean it would kinda b like eater day just I feel like shït so I’d probs get more like hugs and shït it annoys most ppl I found out oml
Nah its hard to annoy me
lol okay.. hey I mean half of it yesterday was cuz u were warm and I was freezing. my aśs off 😂
at least like u were warm to the touch sooo yea lol
Lol yea
god baaabe wyd
Waiting for john lucas to get here
oh... eating cereal while Megan cleans our house
she got pïssy with it
Lol i wish people would clean are house lol
loll well I mean there were blankets everywhere so she went on a cleaning spree
Lol ok
babe would u care if someone spent the night in here with megs and I
As long as the bxith doesnt try to do sshhiitt
If John does try sshhiitt ill kick his assssss
wellll I don’t think they will pull anything buuuut I dunno how u would feel about it... I mean it’ll b with me and Megan and them in the same room over night and for the entire night soo
he won’t I don’t think cuz Megan will b here
Yea but its John
yea ik... we asked if he wanted to come over but megs wants him to stay the night and I’ll b out her so ig I wanted to see with u first cuz I mean it’s another guy and I don’t wanna pïss u off
Babe its fine in less he trys some sshhiitt hes died
okay babe I mean if he did try anything I won’t let him trust me... but hey I love u ❤️ don’t even think he will stay over but I wanted to check before we did set anything up
hey babe I think I might walk down to the gateway with megs I’ll b back like somewhere around 6 love u ❤️
KK love u to❤️
Look up BEAR LAKE High School DUI Crash
Its pretty dam good but look it up when u get time and J.C the crazy guy horse guy that like to ride horses that are saddle broke is the guy that throws up
okay sorry just got home
Lol its fine lol i fxckin forgot they done taht
holy shït I’m fat
that was a long walk 😂 okay yea I’ll look that up in a bit Megan has the computer rn
hey baaaabe
I love u
Love u to❤️
u okay?
Yee y
makin sure ig
Am i acting weird again or some sshhiitt
well just kinda I dunno how to explain it just I dunno
Lol kk
I think u would like it here rn
I mean I wish u were here tbh
I mean we r sitting here being fat kinda wanna cuddle which would b good rn u can b fat with us 😆
Same babe sorry i was watchin a vid and i started to tear up
u all good?
wut was it about babe
Lol yea i would like to cuddle but nah im good on the food im honestly not hungery
After 13-years away, football returns to town with Heroes on Helmets
I was watching that news vid of my old school
oh... welll spicy aśs chips, chocolate, sodas and we r watching movies cuddled in a bunch of blankets
wish u were here
okay the fxcking video to say something makes me start to tear up cuz someone dies and it’s depressing af
Lol yee same and im assuming John didnt come over
no he never even answered which is maybe a good thing
And babe i hope u now she didnt really die
Lol ig thats good and the 13 years new thing is about my old football team representing an solder or wor vet on an american flag sticker on the back of there helment
well I mean it’s depressing cuz the old guy she was married to was crying and I tear up cuz like godd
makes me mentally depressed dunno y
Lol sorry babe and did u watch that one vid
ohhhh yea ig sorry just read the football thing
Lol ok
um not yet I got drug to the guest house so unless I use Megan’s phone
Lol ok thats fine
U probs wont like it any ways cause theres blood in it
pfft I’m fine with blood it doesn’t bother me
unless it’s an animal then I like cry 😂
Lol ik u do
hey I miss u babe like I srsly fxcking need u rn ❤️
Ik u do babe❤️
Fxck i love u sierra❤️❤️❤️❤️
I don’t think u realize it tho rn tbh like not tryna b cheesy af but don’t think u know how much I fxcking I were with u rn
I mean i probs dont but ik u need me ❤️
fxcking shït babe like just want u rn like I facing crave being around u now it hurts sometimes goddd ❤️ love u so fxcking much
I’m being way too cheesy holy shït
❤️ so ig we need to cut on the physical sshhiitt if it hurts u so much lol sorry im just in that smart assss mood rn lol love u to baby girl❤️❤️
Nah babe dont worry we can do more physical sshhiitt on the bus, couch, bed and even in town
god I can tell... I mean just cuddles and hugs and just god just wanna b with u rnnn
I mean I’m in a lovey aśs mood rn so that explains this rn
IK babe just make out a bit cuddle and watch a movie❤️
Bein wit u rn would be fxckin awesome
I fxcking wish rn godddd like even something like yesterday would b good cuz I like hugs oml
Yea ik u do ❤️
I misssss u and I’m being way too lovey rn but oh well
Lol idc if ur bein chessy lol loveu baby❤️❤️
Miss u to baby girl ❤️❤️❤️
I love u too babe ❤️ ughhhi rly wish we were living together in this lil house instead of megs and I
Yeess babe i mean we can move into a lil condo in lewi
lol I mean I like the small places I dunno big places make it seem like there’s too much room
Yea ik it does
See i want 2 kids and a lil house cause we dont need any thing big just a big assssss garage
lol yea I mean 2 kids yea like a lil 3 bedroom place with a nice mf garage
like my place is small 3 bedroom but our garage we keep a trailer and sometimes the gmc in that’s all the room we got
Lol babe we need a room in the garage just for us when we want alont time lol
yea lol when kids won’t go to bed and we either need quiet time or wanna do shït loll
Lol nah just give them the remote to the tv stay up as long as they want and not go into the garage just u and i yuuusss perfect
Fxckin put a wine cooler in there big asssss bed wit a big asssss flat screen tv
lol yesss our lil cave to go out and mess with the trucks and shït and I mean just chill in there, do shït, get alone time and sleep lol without kids tryna wake us up every 10 seconds
Lol or walkin in on us lol
yea that would b awkward like ‘mom dad wth u doin’ like welll shït
Be like parkin the truck in the garage dont worry about it
yeaaaa I’ll like probs have my shirt off knowing us so like I’ll hide lol... plus no shirt is so fxcking comfortable 😂
And ur so fxckin gorgeous when ur top less tho lol
ugh wishing we could b 18 already god
lol well ur the only guy who has seen me topless tbh soo yea lol
Lol and ur the only one who has seen my dxck in person lol and we should keep it that way
yea lol well I mean we did fxck soo let’s yea agreed keep it this way... ugh kinda wanna take another shower together tbh lol
Lol yea we can do that this summer and btw im not goin to be there on the last day but i will be back that comin monday so u can come over tuesday on wendsday
So we can do that tuesday
last day?.... sorry mentally confused lol.. ugh rly kinda wishin we could do things ugh but of cpurseee I had to hit it today
Just say period lol and no im not goin to school on the last day cause im waking up at like 5 in the morning and leaving
But ill be back that monday so we can take a shower together and do sshhiitt that tuesday
oh okay... fxcking baaaabe I’m gonna miss u fxckkk... but yea I think we need a day like spring break again oml
Lol yes and make sure the sshhiitt doesnt come off
But yea were only goin to be gone like 3 days
So yea we can fxck around
ok... bear lake? but I don’t think shït will come off babe oml
Lol yee bear lake lol and ima make sure it doesnt
figured god it won’t babe I mean it didn’t last time lol... yeaa we need to go fxck around again I mean the whole after school thing could work if we did wut we wanted to do and hurried tf up
Yea i mean we can do that and not pull the 5 more mins
yea I mean we can’t like don’t rly want ur dad walking in on us oml
ugh if only I didn’t have to start today godd
Yea ik babe
God we can do sshhiitt in the camper
cuddling and bein just the slightest bit touchy won’t hurt ig omlll just resistance tho
yess that would b goood
Yea i mean i wont fingure uuu
U can play wit sshhiitt if u want i just dont wanna hurt u
well I mean u won’t hurt me but yea might not wanna lol but I’ll probs get a lil touchy knowing me
I mean i wouldnt mind i can just play wit ur ttiittss lol
And kiss ur neck and sshhiitt lol
lol yea I mean maybe that’s wut they r good for, when girls r on their period and can’t do shït they have tïts lol
Lol yeeesss i mean they are grown men play toys
lolll yeaa u can do wutever tbh lol we’ll both b a bit touchy... yeaaa u can kiss my neck and shït it’ll b resistance af but 😆
it’s fun so I can have resistance for a bit
Its a resistance test lol
lol welll I think u can fight it better than I can so 😂 oh well I mean the fact I’m on my fxcking period I think it’ll b a bit easier I mean I’ll wanna do things buuut yea I can resist
Lol youll have to lol
yea ik lol... yea wellll back to popping pain killers like candy holy shïiiiit
don’t judge it’s just one of those times I don’t like being a girl
Im not judging lol
loll well this sucks godd
imagine someone just stabbing u in the dxck nonstop all day for like 4-6 days straight
Yea babe ik and i honestly dont want that. So im assuming this is one of the times u want me over there to cuddle and sshhiitt
pretty much honestly... it’s so fxcking cozy in the guest house tho honestly like I’ll have to get u in there some time like warm cozy food music yea it’s nice in there now
Lol sounds nice
yea... ugh now u need to go in there 😂 I’ll make it a day Megan is gone or won’t b in there or some shït so we could do some shït... a day my dad is gone 😂
Lol yea dont want them walking in fxck that
yea lol I mean my mom knows to leave me alone when I’m with a guy like when wes came over we shut the door to my room and no one came in till my dad got home and he wanted to meet him but yea... only person we would have to even remotely worry about is short but there’s blankets and my mom keeps her entertained
maybe one of the days Megan goes home finally
Lol yea
yea dunno there’s just a lot of blankets and it’s warm in there lol... goddd u know wut sounds rlyyyy fxcking good rn
loll I love u too babe 😊❤️❤️
What sounds goo babe
❤️❤️ lol so what sounds good
lol chocolate cuddling and sleeping like my current mood af
❤️ yes babe i mean u can eat the chocolate ill just cuddle u and just pass tf out
lol yea sounds perfect af rn... I actually have chocolate in the mini house rn which I wanna go get after dinner
but I can’t eat dinner rn I don’t think I’ll b able to keep it down
yea can’t keep anything down rn like when u hurt so bad just throw up yea eating doesn’t help that... damñnnn might wanna wait on the chocolate then
Yea probs
awwww damñ I wanted that
Im guesing its a truck
no that fxcking chocolate 😂 I still want that one truck tho
Lol yes babe ik lol
yea wellll fxck
it starts
Lol ok aye babe im pretty fxckin tired lol so i think ima just go to bed sorry baby LOVE U GORGEOUS❤️❤️
goddd okay love u too then babe ❤️ don’t die
Ima not ill try to txt u tomorrow but if not ill see u monday lol ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
god okay ❤️
baaaabe she’s onto us
um I think my face gave it away
babe I’m fxcked she figured it tf out
baaaabe I dunno wut ur doing tomorrow but do u possibly think u could get out for a lil bit like l just wanna talk like I need to have u in my arms tbh cuz fxcking babe I doubt anything is gon happen but if she opens her mouth I don’t know how things would work like idek I’m stressing and I rly miss u like I can’t fxckjg wait till Monday tbh cuz ik I won’t b able to talk to u till the bus and don’t even deny it I’m always alone during the day it’s how things work idek if I can handle shït I rly need u
I’m honestly crying rn tbh I’m just kinda scared tbh Megan can like actually determine how miserable my life can b at the moment I love u so much baby I love u sooooo much so so so so much I’m being so sensitive rn but god damñ I miss u rn I don’t wanna wait till Monday tbh but I kinda doubt u will b able to hang out tomorrow so ig wutever tf just... I love u 😩❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️