I'll do this eventually...


I'll do this eventually...

41 0
long distance relationships will be the death of meh
Yeahhh. >.<
he won't even talk to meh and idk how to break up with ppl
Well I mean, if he won't talk to you then is he really a good boyfriend? 😁
But if you wanna break up with him just be honest.
.... u can't hurt people😢
I suppose, but he isn't talking to you so would it really hurt him that much? You deserve better than him. But first just make sure that he is ignoring you. Maybe he's just busy or doesn't see your messages or whatever.
at the same time... he did kiss a girl ... while we were together... he has left me for a girl... he has crushed on many girls furring our relationship ... we can't go a day without fighting when we do talk... and we have broken up over 6 times but I'm a forgiving person and let him back in my life... and it's tearing me apart
I can't break up with him he talked me out of suicide... stopped me from cutting... made me smile when I wanted to die... but literally I cry so much over this dude
Well. Maybe you could stick with him if he means that much but if he's cheating on you or whatever or you keep fighting then maybe it's better for you to not be with him. You shouldn't be in a relationship with someone who treats you like crâp.
;-; what do I say tho
wait wait... can u try to talk to him this is killing me inside ;-;
Mmm I suppose I could...
I don't really know what to say either but I guess I could try.
>_< his account is phelody_cx
I followed him...I don't know if you'll even see this but should I talk to him now?
erm ... well I see it now 😂
but Idc I'm scared 😭
Yeah...I don't really know what to say to him though...
I did it omg
Has he replied?
go to his post about the Washington huskies... it's going to kill me I can't believe I did that
Okay I'll check now.
I feel like cräp for it
Please don't. I know breaking up with someone is hard but please don't feel bad. Tbh he was the one who was making you feel like crâp.
still... I'm the reason he cut
Mmm. I mean, did he cut a lot or was it only once?
a lot...
and he had never cut until we started dating...
Does he still cut?
I haven't talked to him in a while so idek
Well, I suppose if he doesn't cut anymore you were still there for him when he did. And if he does, well I mean, he literally doesn't even talk to you. He could have talked to you about it if he trusted you rather than blocking you out of his life.
;-; true
thanks so much your an amazing person 💙
Aww no problem. Talk to me anytime. :)
ofc I will 😂😂😂
Yey. I haz frens now! ^.^ xD
pshh yee cuz ur amazing
Awk I'm not. But thank you kind person. =^-^=
Alex thinks your a dude but I think u might be a girl 😂what is it
I'm a girl. cx
rawr :3
R4wr I'm 4 sc3n3 qŪ33n b0Tdf sÂved m3h lŶfFffF!¡1 =^•^=
I am way too hyper. I'm sorry.
😂💙 that made my day
Haha I'm glad I could make your night...cx
I might sleep soon. It's 3:17am where I live....
oh šhÿt gö the hëłł to bed so we can talk tomorrow 😂
Eh nah. I'm high on Monster. I can't sleep.
ur lucky gimme some
Here you go *Throws you a can of Monster*
That was my last one btw. And I don't share Monster with a lot of people. You should feel honoured.
💙trust me I do 😂
Good, good. ^u^
I'm realizing how long we have been talking 😂
e.e #SoulmatesAtFirstMessage
Yep.....What was the first thing you commented? o.o
ermmm... let meh see
Yes it was....So we basically went from "YAAAA #KOHNNIE IS MA LYFFFF" to "R4wR i'M a sc3n3 Qú33n b0tDF $Av3D m3H LŶFffFF!!¡1!"