I now have to urge to memorize Dan's rap


I now have to urge to memorize Dan's rap

41 1
The winner was MarblePrincessDan
Yeah, so what's up
Actually hardly anything ever happens, sometimes I go a whole 24 hours with just a follow cause ghost followers follow me all the time when they scroll down the pop page
That's another reason why I made chanksplooned cause people don't feel like I'm actually going to talk to them or reply to them
I've been on PC for 2 years, and the only reason I have a lot of followers is because I followed a ton of people until I got to 20K last September, and then I got on the pop page and that got me 30K
Thanks to you too, it's fun to finally have someone commenting on collages and stuff
to top comment*^ *awkward chin angle* hey 😬
^Hey 😆
Yeah same for me probably
^threesome with professor oak😂
in all honesty, I'd be up for it
Are you guys still talking to me or is this some other conversation
c u t e
yep totally like the Nat chat or the chat of the nats 🙏
wrong emoji lma o 😂
this is very good