So, if you haven't noticed, my first theme is Gilmore girls, so I'll start with a Rory/Jess edit. I think I'll post one for each of her dudes but I did Jess first bc he's my fave✨ QOTD: Are you team Dean, Jess or Logan?


CLICK So, if you haven't noticed, my first theme is Gilmore girls, so I'll start with a Rory/Jess edit. I think I'll post one for each of her dudes but I did Jess first bc he's my fave✨ QOTD: Are you team Dean, Jess or Logan? ❤️⚡️🏹❤️

45 1
ugh such a hard question but I think I'd have to say Jess.
thank you for voting! ❤️