Why do I have to do all these things just to make friends?


Why do I have to do all these things just to make friends?

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you need to eat. you need food. I eat whatever I want. you should to
wyd 😊😊
my brother agin
I’m always here. 🖤🖤🖤
and I’m most definitely not fake.
nothin I don’t wanna say
yea because if I do I’m gonna cry
ok. who is tho? 😕
awwww thanks your so sweet
yeah... I’ve had PLENTY ppl like that. and ppl are still like that. that’s why I don’t socialize anymore. and I try not to get too attached to ppl bc in the end they always leave. 😕
but anyways most ppl are fake but everyone will have that ONE friend that we will love and always count on. and really the longer you wait, the more chance of them being even more AWESOME. 🖤
I do all of those things
I feel you
yeah. you just gotta try and look on the bright side. or at least the “not so dark side” (if that made any sense 😂)
^^^@JustWhatever knows what they are talking about 😂🙌
good 😊🖤
^^thx 😂
Make friends, you’ll be surprised that they can be found in the darkest of times..✨🌟💫⭐️☀️🌥⛅️🌤
I know it’s not gonna magically make you eat, but please try because people love you how you are. Happy
..and healthy..and strong and beautiful
You don’t need to do all of this to find friends, if your friends truly care about you, they’ll help you through your pain. Even if someone doesn’t know you, they’ll still help you, so no matter what, help is always around the corner. It may be hard to find it but if you look hard enough, it’ll be there for you, don’t worry!
a true friend will like u 4 u u don’t hav 2 pretend 2 b sum1 ur not 2 make fiends & if that’s the reason they like u then they r not a true friend
why you avoiding your family?
oh ok
you’re welcome and thanks
true girl true
If I could, I’d do all of those, but I can’t. i don’t have makeup and my family is with me when I eat breakfast and dinner, so I just skip lunch sometimes. I rarely have a real smile tho. people say I’m lucky I have a family that doesn’t let me become bulimic or anorexic, but they don’t know me. i don’t think anyone does