Happy birthday to me


Happy birthday to me

18 3
happy birthday
thanks bestie
your welcome
yea happy birthday bestie
I hope u have a great day
hey birthday girl
don't go on private
hey bestie
hey birthday girl
how is your day
lol I'm happy
same bestie
lol. I have a birthday present for you. on Wednesday
do u got a present 4 me?
yea lol
what is it?!?!
lol bestie i love u
lol thanks. I had a contest and some guy got really mad at me and is being mean to me on the contest page 😭
I love you 😘
Don't kill yourself - That's what u commented on its meh page
*fallen stars page
No one is perfect but someone will love you for all of your flaws! Don't do it. have faith and be strong
well it's my bday abs she was being mean and hurt my feelings and I cry now
We r all here for you
hey bestie
ok. bye....
hey bestie
sup beautiful bestie
sup wonderful bestie
I am going to a choir concert at 5:30
ooh fun
what time is it were u live
Wait - R U gonna Kill yourself???
talk later bestie
ok bye bestie
love u bestie
love ❤️ you 2
how your day
good wbu?
re:// My Birthday was yesterday
happy b day bestie ♥️
hey bestie
thanks guys
hey bestie
hey bestie
happy b-day
hey bestie
hey bestie
hi bestie
when do u have to leave? 😭
bestie I am sad tooo
but today is my birthday
ps I love u bestie
ily 2!
bestie I am sad because my sissy is leaving tomorrow
to give her iPad back
😭 do u have to give ur iPad back?
yea but next week but they are thinking if we can have our iPad in the summer
I hope I can have it in the summer but they said maybe
hopefully u can!
but I am sad because she is leaving tomorrow and I hope she will never replace me
but ur sis? like ur twin or 1kbreanna?
1kbreanna she my sissy on here I am sad
I am crying she is leaving tomorrow
I'm sorry
she is not on
I want to be happy not sad bestie
but I am sad
be happy. cuz then I'll be sad. do u luv ur sissy more than me?
I love u both
I love you and sissy
oh ok
yea bestie
bestie how much do you miss me
I guess u love her more
I am going on private
I missss u bestie
nooooo. bestie ily so much. me and her have been friend for a long time than she disappeared and now she back so I was saying hi. plz don't go on private. 😭 😭 😭 I'm sorry 😭
I love u too bestie and I understand and I am not going on private
I love u bestie
good 😭 I still am crying
I am not mad at u and why
I 💓you 2
bc ppl hate me
I don't
I love u
lots of other ppl do 😭
I love u bestie and you make me smile
wait I shouldn't be complaining on ur bday. I'm sorry
hug u bestie
I love you bestie
ily 2
you are the best
bestie I missss u
sorry I was eating supper
lol it ok
my cat is weird lol
I hate when people hurt my bestie
yah lol
now she is being mean to me
why on my birthday
idk ask her
bestie I love u
ily 2!
I love you more bestie
lol I love u more 💕
I'm sad
why u sad bestie
I thought me and steph were still besties but she is being mean to me. I'm sorry about her but she being mean 😭
just don't listen to her
and I am sad because I want you to be happy
I'm sad
bestie I love you and I am going to take a shower
bestie I have 2 have a shower. byyeee
same bestie
I'm back bestie
I am going to eat dinner
it pizza
my cat is playing with my feet
hurry up
I am lol
the pizza is hot
it burn my tongue
ooohhh that must hurt. u ok?
yea I am ok
that good. let's chat in the chat page lol
ok lol
I let my pizza to cool down
that good
happy b-day!!!
that's was a long time ago. but thanks