What do you like or love about me


What do you like or love about me

10 0
ur courage and kindness
Hey, Princess?
sorry for the wait. I had to take some science notes
That's okay, Princess. School comes way before me.
you come first
Princess, I don't x3
I was trying to message back but my teacher kept on looking at me
Lol. Aw x3
Princess, GRIM_REEPER just commented telling me to kill him.
Idk, I asked him but he hasn't replied.
should I try talking to him
what should I say though
Idk, just ask what's wrong.
the fact that you followed me!!!
I talked to him.
me too, he won't answer back
No, I was talking to him and he told me he was having a bad day.
did he say y
Go to my page, scroll down only a little, there should be a post with a pot of green play doh and a guy eating it thinking its gum, look in the comments.