They now what they've done and they now it hurts they no I want to leave this planet but I want to leave you now you've hurt me and you no I'll try


They now what they've done and they now it hurts they no I want to leave this planet but I want to leave you now you've hurt me and you no I'll try

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please don’t kill yourself your perfect the way you are and those people who hurt you are just jealous because of how perfect you are killing yourself is never the answer and if you ever do feel like killing yourself come talk to me or go talk to one of your friends about it no one needs to die over someone’s jealousy so tomorrow walk with your chin up ‘when the sharpest words wanna cut me down gonna send a flood gonna drown me out I am brave I am bruised I make no apologies THIS IS ME’ The Greatest Showman( This Is Me )
your welcome I’m just sick of the people that put others down to make themselves feel good it really sucks
I’m sorry please forgive me
you now it hurt you now it cuts my heart and I just can't forgive you now Faye did it and it hurts still why did you have to why Teresa why it's over and if Abby hadent told me then I would be telling you secrets and everything and you would just tell everyone and I would feel hurt bye for good Teresa were not friends any more and I've been crying to sleep these past nights
I’m sorry I wouldn’t tell anyone I’m sorry
yes you would and it hurt Teresa you now you share my secrets bye Teresa .......