#HiroHamada (copying _AikoMiyazaki_'s #HoneyLemon thing)


#HiroHamada (copying _AikoMiyazaki_'s #HoneyLemon thing)

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hey hiro!
hallo honey hows life without me?
very sad and lonely, I barely see gogo anymore I wish you were here!
that's very touching. don't be sad Aiko you have Fred too right?
but he lives kinda far away. like a 30 minute drive and guess what, I don't have my license. or a car.
"stop whining, woman up" -words said by the great Gogo Tomago
I'm not whining, your whining. 😞
well I haven't seen Tadashi in a while either since he's the eldest of all of us, and be a use I'm at summer camp so I haven't seen wasabi either.
taddassshiiii! they should all make accounts for there anons
that actually sounds pretty good, but Gogo and wasabi use computers for there social media
they can still make accounts on PC. piccollage.com I think. what do you use? Fred uses phone. I use phone
me and dashi use our iPad and phone
awesome!!! we have to ask them though. I don't think they even know what PC is (yet)
okay, they should all be awake by now. unless Fred still sleeping. it's like morning there right?
yup I woke like 30 mins ago😂
oh okay yea, he's still sleeping. I'll message them on our group chat so when they eventually can be on, I or you or us can talk to them about it
awesome!!!!!! I hope they say yes I want all of them to be on here!