Allen can suck a dîck. I'm trying to help him bc he's having a bad day and wants help but he's being a dîck to me. I actually want to smack him


Allen can suck a dîck. I'm trying to help him bc he's having a bad day and wants help but he's being a dîck to me. I actually want to smack him

43 0
ikr in it right now and wanna die
I'm sorry he's being like that. I don't think he's mad at you, he's probably just in a bad mood. Give him time to cool off if he needs it, but let him know that you will be there for him if he wants to talk about what's going on.
do it
I'm sorry, it's hard because you try to be nice because you don't want to upset them when they're bring jerks. I wish i could date my cat sometimes😂